Chapter 5

1832 Words
Sally It’s been a long week working for Lady Blair. For a second there, I thought the week would never end, so after I’m done with my shift, I’m so relieved. I’ve cleaned every nook and cranny of this huge mansion. I’ve spent an incredible amount of hours doing it, too, but tomorrow I’m free. And it’s much needed. I walk briskly to my room on the top floor. The room is dimly lit, with spider nests in every corner. It needs to be cleaned, but I’m too tired for that. I bury my head in the pillow and let my walls crash down. All day, I’ve been forced to put on a brave front, but not here. Now that I’m alone, I’m free to let the storm blow over. I no longer have to pretend I’m unaffected by all of this. I can cry in peace and let my walls cave down. And who can blame me for sobbing like a baby? My life is terrible! I’m living in the same mansion as the mate who rejected me. His new woman is my master. She is pregnant. I’m to become their nanny. Do you know what the sickest part is? This could have been my life if Ashton had accepted me as his mate and let me keep our baby. It’s like Blair is living the life I was supposed to have, and it’s the worst feeling in the world to watch her be happy with my ex-mate. Even with the mate bond gone, I’m still hurting. I rejected Ashton back, I did, but... it’s like a ghost pain. Whenever I see him, it gets a little harder to breathe, a little harder to act as if I’m fine. I hate him so much, but I also used to love him, and ugh... I’m so damn f*****g confused! A loud sob gets choked by the pillow I’m hugging to my face, and I shut my eyes,, trying my hardest to breathe even though my heart is breaking apart. If only I could go back in time and stop the abortion from happening. My mistake was to trust Ashton when I should have run away the second I saw those two lines on the pregnancy stick. it okay if I just stop breathing here and now? I keep crying into the pillow until I fall asleep from mental exhaustion. But my dreams are pleasant. Like every other night, I’m back in that cold, sterile room where Alpha Ashton’s men dragged me to. The metal table underneath me is ice-cold, and fear courses through my veins like venom when I see the pack doctor. A sharp sound jerks me awake. Blinking away the remnants of terror, I sit up and listen. There it is again—small, distinct taps against my window. Pebbles? I slip out of bed and pad across the moonlit floor, shivering as my bare feet touch the cold wood. Pulling back the curtain, I scan the darkness outside my balcony window. “Looking for me?” I startle at the voice, then roll my eyes as I spot Ryan perched on a tree branch just beyond the balcony. His telltale smirk plays across his lips, sending a shiver down my spine that has nothing to do with the cold. He is every bit the dangerous hybrid villain that every member of my pack fears. And yet, here he is, outside my window, like some demented Romeo. “Ryan,” I say, trying to sound annoyed, but my voice wavers. His presence unsettles me more than I want to admit. He is too beautiful for human eyes and those lips? Every time I look at them I feel an unwelcome flutter in my chest. “What are you doing here?” “Nice to see you too, Sally.” He flashes his annoying signature grin, but his expression turns serious when he scans my face. “Have you been crying?” “Of course not,” I scoff. But I’m lying, and we both know it. Ryan isn’t dumb, and there’s no hiding the truth from him. “Bad dreams?” he asks softly, his gaze searching mine. I don’t answer, but that’s confirmation enough for him. He sighs. “I heard my brother took you in to work for him.” “He did.” “I also happen to know he was your mate.” “Was,” I confirm. The past still stings. “But not anymore.” Ryan takes a seat on the tree branch and dangles his legs with a thoughtful expression. It makes him look boyish despite being a huge grown-up man. With his dark hair and perfect cheekbones, he looks a lot like his brother, yet not quite. Ryan’s skin is more perfect and he seems to be a bit taller. I keep my eyes on him. I should probably call for security. Ryan is dangerous, and he is on pack grounds, which probably means he has compelled or killed the guards outside the mansion. And yet, I don’t really care. It was the same men who dragged me away to the pack doctor who worked tonight and...I guess their lives aren’t important to me. Ryan chuckles. “You’re darker than I thought.” I glare at him. “You know nothing about me.” “Don’t I?” he challenges. When I keep glaring at him, he tries not to laugh. “I know that you don’t deserve this, Sally.” “Thank you for the sympathy, but I don’t need your help,” I snap, my voice is icy. But a part of me wants to confide in him, even though I know I shouldn’t. He is the enemy, right? “Who said anything about help?” Ryan counters, his smirk returning. “I just thought we could both use a little...distraction.” “A distraction?” I echo, my voice dripping with skepticism. I should walk away. I know I should. But when he extends his hand, palm up in an invitation, my heart lurches. I look up into his face. “What are you doing?” “Inviting you to a night you won’t forget. Come with me,” Ryan purrs. His eyes glint with mischief and promise. I deadpan. “So you can kill me?” He throws his head back to hide a smile. “No, silly. So I can put a smile on your face.” I stare at his large, outstretched hand, my heart pounding wildly in my chest. It’s insane even to consider trusting this man, no matter how good-looking he is. He has already murdered ten warrior wolves. And yet...something about his offer tempts me more than I would like to admit. “Ryan, I...” I hesitate, torn between emotions. My brain tells me to be cautious about this man while my heart desperately wishes to leave this place. “Trust me,” he urges, his eyes locked on mine. The intensity in his gaze sends another shiver down my spine. “Trust you?” I breathe a laugh. “No offense, but you’re the enemy, Ryan.” “True,” he smiles, and my heart somersaults. Is it just me, or is Ryan’s smile incredibly beautiful? Despite being Ashton’s brother, his smile is different. When Ryan smiles, it’s sincere, not like Ashton’s. My ex-mate cares too much about his image and always looks around to ensure no one is around to see his softer side. Ryan? I don’t think he cares one bit if anyone sees him smiling. Still, despite my butterflies, I force a frown onto my face. “So why should I trust you?” “Because I promise I won’t try anything tonight,” his eyes dilate, and his fangs are revealed when his smile grows. “I swear. All I want is to get to know the girl brave enough to slap a hybrid in the face.” I snort. “I had no idea you were a hybrid when I did it.” “Well, I’m still impressed,” he looks sincere. “And again, I won’t hurt you if you decide to let me take you away from here, if just for a few hours.” A silent battle rages within me, hesitation and curiosity lodged in a fierce tug of war. I look back at my bed, the imprint of my body still visible on the sheets. The memory of my tossing and turning in bed all night, the icy grip of fear that enveloped me as I suffered that nightmare about that clinical room... A chill runs down my spine. The idea of going back to my bed seems more intimidating than facing the unknown with Ryan. “Give me five minutes,” I say. His grin broadens, but he remains silent, respecting my decision. I turn away from the window and return to the room. In a hurry, I swap my clothes for a pair of jeans and a thin sweater. As I walk by the small vanity table, I stop to wipe away any traces of my tears and add a fresh coat of lip gloss. When I return to the window, Ryan is still there. He grins and extends his hand once again. This time, I open the balcony door and then I pause. Can I trust him? My eyes meet his, and his grin widens. “Come on. Live a little. Take my hand.” His grin is infectious, and, for a moment, it eclipses the existence of everything else. I glance back at my room, at the safety and solitude it offers, then back at Ryan. Safety or adventure? Solitude or company? Fear or courage? His icy skin shocks me as he pulls me near, our bodies colliding. Laughter spills from his lips, though his eyes are devoid of mirth. My heart thrums with foreboding. What have I gotten myself into? “This is where the magic begins,” he whispers, gazing into my eyes and igniting a fire in my heart. In his presence, I feel at ease, as if he isn’t a murderer but something more. ...damn, am I really that desperate for company? It would seem that I am. Ryan has already won some of my trust. Maybe it’s his easy charm or his piercing blue eyes that seem to peer right into my soul, but suddenly, I know that he will keep his word and not hurt me. At least not tonight. Ryan lifts me into his arms effortlessly, holding me close to his chest. I wait for the panic to come like it always does when I’m being touched…but there is nothing. I’m barely aware of the sudden rush of wind as we leap from the balcony into the night. The world is a blur of colors—forest green leaves, milky white moonlight, and despite myself, I smile. This is fun.
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