
1039 Words
Third Person's POV It is the day after Amelia's arrival. She is a little angry that Antonio did not fetch her. She begs Antonio to take her to town. Antonio, torn between his feelings for Amelia and his unresolved emotions for Aria, is irritated with her because he knows she is looking for an opportunity for the paparazzi to take photos of them together. He is not in the mood for this today but decides to take her to town to keep her quiet. She must not think that he is going to buy her anything. He does not want to spend any money on her. She is so beautiful. And he may still have feelings for her. But every night, when he closes his eyes, he sees Aria before him. The pain of his unrequited love for Aria is a constant torment, and it drives Antonio up the wall that he cannot forget about her. Love? Does he love Aria? Perhaps he has to go out with Amelia. Maybe it will take his mind off Aria. "I will take you to town today, but I do not want any paparazzi near us. I will come home when I see any cameras or paparazzi near us." Antonio says. Meanwhile, Aria and Mark are preparing to go to town from her cabin on the hill. Aria, a woman of independence and strength, thinks Antonio and Amelia might prefer to spend time alone at home today, so she's heading to town to stock up on supplies. Mark has his own house near Aria. He does not like her to stay alone, but she does not want to move in together before marriage. Mark looks at Ariana. He only knows her by her new name, Ariana Brown. He wishes she would do something about her hand. He does not like touching it as he does not like imperfections. He sees her putting on her gloves again and is relieved. He does not want her to show her hand in public. He has begged her to go for the operation for a while now, but she always refuses. He feels like she is hiding something from him. He thinks she is running away from something or someone. "Hurry up, babe. We do not have it all day, and you know the supply shop is in the middle of town." Mark says. Mark does not always go with Ariana to town, but he hopes to see the famous actress Amelia in the city today. She returned from America yesterday, and she is perfect. He would love to do a painting of her if she would pose for him. He is sure she will be honored to be painted by him. Ariana does not talk about her past or what happened to her hand. He does not mind. She is ideally building and has a beautiful face, unlike Amelia, but she is gorgeous in her own way. His parents love her because they know she has money and makes more than their son. He may not be as famous as Ariana, but he is well-known enough, and people recognize his name wherever he goes. Aria is ready to go. She cannot get used to the name Ariana, but she has to endure it because her life might be in danger. She gets cold chills whenever she thinks of Antonio's graduation party and the look he gave her after Amelia's name was destroyed. Aria and Mark get in her Porche. Mark automatically goes to the driver's seat. Every time they go anywhere together, he will drive. Aria does not like it, but what can she do? Mark is very dominating. He always wants to protect her and is afraid that they will get in a car accident. Aria has started a new painting, and she hates it when Mark comes and looks at her unfinished work. He was angry with her earlier, and she thought he was slightly jealous. The painting is of the godfather. It is a painting of Antonio. She cannot get him out of her head. And she has to put him on a canvas. She has many paintings of Antonio in her studio, but she refuses to sell them. Mark always asks her who this person is. She will always give him the same answer. Somebody that she knew a long time ago. Aria's past is shrouded in mystery, and her connection to Antonio is deeper than it seems. They stopped in front of the art shop. Aria looked up as they were about to walk in and saw Antonio and Amelia walking in their direction. However, they were busy avoiding the paparazzi and did not see her. Then, her eye catches a man with a gun aiming at Antonio. It feels like everything happens in slow motion. Before Aria knows what she's doing, she runs towards Antonio. She had to save him. Mark, who does not know what is going on, follows Aria. Aria tackles Antonio to the ground as the shot goes off, and the bullet passes over their heads into a wall behind them. As they fall to the ground, Antonio tries to grab Aria, but he only gets her necklace, which he gave her as a child. He bought Amelia the same one. The necklace holds a deep emotional significance for both Antonio and Aria, symbolizing their shared past and their unspoken bond. Antonio is knocked out momentarily as his head hits the ground hard. His guards run after the attacker. Mark immediately recognizes the man as the man Ariana is always painting. Mark grabs Ariana from the man, and Amelia immediately throws herself on top of him. Mark and Amelia look at each other, smiling, knowing that nobody knows Aria has saved the man. He quickly hands her his business card. They can never let him find out what happened today. Mark grabs Aria's hand and walks with her to the paint shop. "Wait, I have to find out if Antonio is okay." Aria says, but Mark pulls her into the shop before Antonio awakes. "He is fine. There is nothing wrong with him. Besides, I do not want you near when the police come." Mark says.
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