I may have mercy.

1075 Words

Cristiano's POV I feel sorry for the two people that are going to die tonight. I will be merciful and make them die quickly. It is a shame that Christina will die today because she is still very young. The Longo family will no longer exist. I do not care about the Longo family. They have caused the Italian Mafia a lot of faith, not only now but also in the past. Their grandfather tried to take out the Don and Godfather of America. He wanted to rule America, but he made a mistake. The Casella family is not someone you mess with. The Longo family had this coming for a long time. My father does not want to go with me. I understand because he has retired. However, I do wish there was somebody to stand by my side when I have to kill them. The last person I killed was my grandmother. I miss Sop

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