I am upset.

1019 Words

Christina's POV I storm out of the boutique, where I would buy myself some beautiful clothing on my husband's credit card. I have never been so embarrassed in my life. Who does Aria Pistone think she is? Why is she taking Cristiano's side? What does Aria know that we do not know? As she figured out what we have done in the past, does she have proof that my father was involved with Alessandro's family's deaths? She can become very dangerous for us, and I have to talk to my father to warn him about the new Donna of The Godfather. If she is on Cristiano's side, she might open the investigation again. We have to stop it before she becomes a problem. I had to go and see my father because she looked at me almost like she did not like me. Why won't she like me? She does not even know me. Is it b

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