Part 3

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"Sir, you...called out?". I asked, stuttering. "Sit," he said, pointing towards the opposite chair. I sat, and he sat opposite to me. I looked down, rubbing my sweaty palms as I was getting nervous in front of him. "So your mother told you to marry me, huh?" He asked, and my eyes shot up as I looked at him, then looked down, nodding my head. "So what is your decision?" He asked, and I still looked down, rubbing my sweaty palms. His hard voice and his glare at me were making me nervous. "Sharanya, you don't need to get scared of me. I won't eat you," he said, and my eyes shot up at his handsome face. He said to me, "Take a deep breath and calm yourself," and after taking a deep breath, I started ranting. God help me in my mind. "My mom is forcing you, right? There are some other reasons. " He still questioned me. I was tongue-tied. I fisted the side of my skirt and stood up, trying to gather some confidence. I have to do this for Maa. "No.. no one is for..cing me.. sir, I am ready for this marriage." I said, stuttering a little bit while his expression was worth watching. I had to do this after what had happened in the morning. "Huh what?" He also got up from his seat, and my heartbeat quickened as he took two steps towards me. "I know you are lying. Listen, Sharanya, if there is any problem, then tell me. I'll help you. You don't need to do this forced marriage. I discovered you excelled in your 12th exam and desired to study at a good college. I will assist you in gaining admission to one of the best colleges. Don't ruin your life like this," he advised. I could feel the honesty in his tone while I tried hard not to cry in front of him. "At the very least say something," he grumbled. I gulped the lump which had formed in my throat, and looked at him. "You don't need to take tension about me, sir. I am ready for this marriage. If you don't want to marry me, then you can say no to Lekha Mam." I said in a go and turned to leave, but he was fast. He caught my wrists, jerking me towards himself. "You are spoiling your life in your own hands, Sharanya," he said while I was struggling to remove my hand from his clutches. "Leave me," I said, but his hold tightened around my wrist. Damn, it was so painful it would surely leave marks. "Let go of my hand", this time I shouted. "If you are having a problem marrying me, then just go and say this to your mom about it because I don't have any problem marrying you." Wow, from where I got this courage to shout at him..he was shocked and his grip loosened around my wrist. Run Sharanya Run. I ran out of the terrace, crossing the staircase. I ran out of the store and straight away went to my small house. I was done with all this. I need to calm myself down first. Why this complicated life, God? "Sharanya baby, are you home?" I heard mom's voice. She was sitting on the bed silently. "Are you fine? Is your head aching anymore? " I asked, cupping her cheeks. "I am fine. Sit with me for a while," she said, and I nodded, sitting beside her. "Are you sure about your decision?" She asked me "I am 100% sure, mom," I said with a fake smile plastered on my face. "Don't do this for me, Sharu.. don't ruin your life," mom said, her eyes welling up."You have so many dreams, Baccha, please don't destroy anything for me." "Mom, don't cry, please, it's not good for your health," I said, wiping her tears. I tried to sound enthusiastic. "From when you started thinking about a luxurious life and luxury things, Sharanya, stop lying to me. I am your mother." she scolded. "Ughh maa, leave all this, I am so hungry. Let's have lunch," I said, trying to divert the topic. ____________________________ It's already 1am. I tried to sleep, but sleep was far away from my eyes. I said yes to this marriage. I knew this marriage would be my destruction. I was helpless. Now Neil would hate me or more than hate me. Yesterday I was sure in my decision that I wouldn't be going to marry him, but today everything changed. Flashback.. I went out after taking a shower and started wiping my hair, humming softly. Mom went out to buy some groceries. Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door to find Lekha ma'am. When I said, "'re" seeing her, I became nervous. "At least let me in," she said, and it gave her the place to step in. "You don't want to marry Neil because he is already married, right?" She asked, and I looked here and there. "Here, see this," she said, and handed me a few papers. My eyes widened as it was the divorce papers of Sir Neil and his wife, and it already had their sign. "I made them sign it, though they didn't know about it," she said, and I looked at her. Sharanya, you just have to marry him and nothing else. You'll be getting all the luxury and everything, but this marriage will be a secret, "she said," and I still shook my head no. "Why are you doing this, mam? "They didn't even know that you made them sign these papers," I muttered. "What is your problem, Sharanya?" "Lekha mam said, and before I could respond, Mama intervened." "Lekha mam you here." Mama was amused, seeing her. I took the carry bags from mama's hand and placed them aside. Lekha ma'am told Maa that she wanted me to marry Neil, sir, and then I heard Ma's painful voice as she sat on the bed, clutching her head. "Maa maa, what happened?" I asked, and she looked up, making my eyes widen as her nose was bleeding. I quickly took the handkerchief off and wiped the blood, and she passed out. Shit, now what to do? God help me. "Maa, wakeup maa." I patted her cheeks, but she didn't reply. I sprinkled some water on her eyes; still she didn't respond. "I will help her, Lekha Mam said, "Just say yes, she will be fine. I will do her treatment in one of the best hospitals." "I don't need your help," I said to her, and picked up my phone to call the doctor. "No doctors will help you," Lekha Mam said, smirking. I called the doctor, and as she said, no one was ready to come and check on my mama. "Say yes, Sharanya, if you want to save your mother," Mom said again. Now I have no choice left. I had to say yes if I wanted to save my mother. "I am ready for it," I said, and tears escaped from my eyes.
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