Chapter 8-1

2006 Words

I wake up at the butt c***k of dawn to help Knox and Payton feed the horses. Afterward, we head down to the B&B, grab a quick breakfast, then set up the tables for the Fourth of July party. The past three weeks have been hectic, and I can’t wait to relax and enjoy myself before returning to the craziness. “Ready for tonight?” Riley asks. “Yeah, it’s actually one of my favorite traditions,” I admit. “It’s something I loved as a kid and still enjoy as an adult. Even when my dad’s being an asshole and throwing water balloons at us.” Diesel snickers. “I heard this year he got something even better.” “No,” Knox says from behind me. “What is it?” “I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone,” Diesel adds with a s**t-eating smirk. He loves knowing something we don’t. “You’re bullshittin’,” Riley thro

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