Bonus Epilogue

2506 Words

NINE MONTHS LATER NINE MONTHS LATER“I got here as soon as I could,” I tell Kaitlyn when I walk into the waiting room. I was right in the middle of washing one of the horses at the stud farm when I got the call that Hadleigh and Knox were on the way to the hospital. Mom told me not to rush, so I finished what I was doing, then jumped in the shower. I didn’t want to show up sweaty and dirty. “You haven’t missed much,” she says. “She’ll be able to take visitors in about thirty minutes.” “Perfect timing then. How’s Hadleigh doin’?” Kaitlyn grins. “Apparently, she did amazing. A natural. Knox almost passed out, though.” “What a little b***h,” I blurt out. “I said the same thing.” She chuckles, but then her smile fades. “You okay?” I ask, noticing her expression. She shrugs. “I just feel

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