Chapter 17

2359 Words

That you’d be the one to break my heart. That you’d be the one to break my heart.Her final text has circulated in my head for days. I’ve been in a shittier mood than usual ever since I caught wind of Hadleigh going on a date with another man. Ethan told me first thing this morning. I know I have no right to say anything since I told her I was walking away, but I’m not happy about it. Even after my parents talked to me, I didn’t reach out to her. I still believe she’s better off with Kane, but her going on a date with another man confuses the s**t out of me. Does that mean Kane called it quits too? Or did she tell him she was no longer interested? I have no idea what happened between them and can’t muster the courage to ask either. But I guess none of it matters. Even if I reached out

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