Chapter 1

2639 Words
TWO MONTHS LATER TWO MONTHS LATER“Inhale,” I whisper in Hadleigh’s ear as I steady her hips from behind. She obeys, holding the axe firmly in her grip. “Now exhale and throw.” As she stretches her arm back, I give her some space so I don’t get whacked. The blade makes a loud thud as it slams into the wood about five inches from the bull’s-eye. “Not too bad,” I say, lowering my gaze to her perfect ass that I’d love to bury my face in. “Let’s see how you do now,” she taunts, turning to face me. “Though, you have an unfair advantage.” I shoot her a look as I get into place. “How so?” “You’ve done this before and have more arm strength than I do.” She twirls a curly strand of her strawberry-blond hair and looks up at me with sweet doe eyes. Though she’s anything but innocent. A c**k tease is more like it. “Don’t gimme that look. I’m not goin’ easy on ya just because we’re on a date,” I tell her. dateShe rolls her eyes. “I’d hardly call this a date.” thisMy brows shoot up in offense. “We ate at a nice restaurant, and now we’re drinkin’ and havin’ a good time at a bar. This is the most date-like date I’ve ever had.” She snorts. “It doesn’t count when I bought it.” bought“Never told ya to bid on me, babe.” I shrug, knowing damn well she nearly threw elbows to win me. “True, but I like to keep my word.” “Didn’t matter to me, Hads. Kane’s the one who’s pissed,” I remind her, then immediately feel bad when her smile fades into a frown. “Don’t worry, he’ll eventually get over it.” “Well, show me your moves, Bishop,” Hadleigh taunts, stepping out of the way so I can throw. “You couldn’t handle my moves,” I say, narrowing my gaze on the target in front of me. I reach back, then whip the axe. We both watch as it hits dead center. “Ugh, you suck.” She scoffs. I turn to face her, grabbing my nearly empty beer bottle. “Guess you owe me.” She scowls as I remind her of our deal. The loser buys the next round. “First, I spend three fifty for this damn date, and now I have to buy you a beer?” I shrug in amusement and notice how Hadleigh’s biting her lower lip, something she’s been doing all night. She’s always been a little bit of a flirt, but hell, so am I. Kane’s the one who’s in love with her, yet he treats her like a fragile doll that might break. I’d be willing to bet she likes it rough. Moments later, Hadleigh returns with her hands full. I take my beer, and she hands me a vodka shot too. She has two for herself. “You think liquorin’ me up is gonna make you throw better than me?” I lift a brow, then watch as she shoots one back, then immediately coughs. “Maybe not, but it’ll make me care a lot less.” I chuckle at her honesty, then motion for her to take her turn. “Do you think my stance is right? I was only off a little bit, so maybe I need to move over a few inches.” I move behind her, grazing my fingers along her arms and feeling goose bumps form on her silky skin. “Where you’re standing is fine. The angle of how you held the hilt wasn’t right.” I pull her arm back as she grips the axe and slowly go through the motions with her. Her breath hitches as I press my mouth to her ear. “Now you try.” Stepping back, I wait and watch as she tosses it. “Oh my God!” she squeals when it hits directly in the center. “I did it!” I can’t contain my smile when she spins around and leaps into my arms. “Good job,” I say, holding her close. “You learn fast.” One side of her lips tilts up before she narrows her gaze on my mouth. I swallow hard as I try to contain my willpower not to bend her over and f**k her raw. “Your move.” I get lost in her eyes for a moment before I realize what she said. Wait, what? “Huh?” Wait, what?“To throw,” she explains, inching out of the way. “You miss, and the next round’s on you.” throw“You sure you wanna drink more? You’re gonna end up with one helluva hangover.” She smirks. “It’s my weekend off.” I grin. “Alright.” The axe lands right in the middle, and she groans. “Looks like it’s a tie.” “Guess we need a tiebreaker then,” I state with a popped brow. She looks at me, intrigued. “What’d ya have in mind?” “Ever play Kiss a Stranger?” “That sounds made up.” Hadleigh crosses her arms. “All games are made up.” She rolls her eyes. “Okay, so what is it?” “Whoever gets kissed first by a stranger wins. Loser buys the next round.” “That’s absolutely ridiculous.” “Why? Afraid you’ll lose?” I flash her a cocky smirk. “No, but I don’t wanna catch herpes.” “Alright, then I’ll take a single malt scotch.” “Of course you’re gonna order the expensive shit.” She grunts. “Fine, I’ll play your stupid game. What’re the rules?” FineI lean in closer so our eyes are level and flash her a smirk. “There are no rules. The first one to get a kiss wins.” “Okay, you’re on, Bishop! Prepare to lose at your own stupid game!” We walk to the bar area, and I quickly scan the room, noticing a group of four ladies. I order five Jolly Rancher shots, then make my way toward them. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful group.” I show off my straight, white teeth and infamous side grin as I set the glasses down on the bartop. “Care to do a shot with me?” “Sure!” They quickly scramble for one, but I stop them. “Oh wait. I forgot to tell you. Whoever finishes first gets a special surprise from me.” I flash them a wink, and they giggle. We make a toast, then I say go. The brunette to my right slams hers down first. go.“I win!” She does a little dance while the other three groan. “Now for my special surprise?” special “I’m it, sweetheart.” A sly smile slides across my lips as I turn to her, moving closer. “Sadie.” She grins wide, her brown eyes meeting mine. Just by the cleavage she’s showing and the tight jeans she’s wearing, it’s obvious she’s the wild one of the group. “That’s a beautiful name,” I say as she stares at my lips. This game will be even easier than I thought. “You like body shots?” gameHer brow pops up, and she laughs. “Love them, but I’m more of a giver than a taker.” “She’s a pro,” the blonde says as the others watch. “I kinda like the sound of that.” I order another round of drinks for the table. “So whatcha got under that shirt?” she asks, nearly eye f*****g me into oblivion. This reaction from women is one I’m used to, so I’m not surprised. Instead of teasing her, I make a show out of carefully sliding the material over my head and off my body. No one in the place gives two shits, except for maybe Hadleigh, who randomly rolls her eyes at me from the bar. She’s talking to some guy, but her attention always lands back on me. I focus on Sadie and flash her a wink while her friends drool over my tats and abs. Right now, they’re all putty in my hands, and if I weren’t on a date, I’d have my pick of which one to take home with me tonight. “Now I’m pissed I didn’t swallow faster,” one of them says, making Sadie chuckle. I smirk, then grab one of the shots that a server delivered. “Open wide, sweetheart. I want you to feed me mine with that gorgeous mouth of yours.” Carefully, I tilt her head back, then set the glass full of liquid between her lips. “Good girl,” I praise, then kneel between her legs. “I’m all yours. Show me what you’ve got.” As she stands above me, I open my mouth. Sadie looks like she’s trying to concentrate as some of the liquid spills on my chin. Quickly, I adjust my position so another drop isn’t wasted. I grip the back of her thighs as she finishes, and I swallow. When she frees her mouth, I slowly stand and meet her eyes. “Gotta admit, I’m usually the one on my knees,” she states, running her finger up my abs. “How’d I do?” I grab a napkin from the table and wipe my face. “Makes me wonder what else that mouth can do.” She comes close, giving me all the permission I need, and I dive in, bringing my lips to hers. When I pull away, Hadleigh catches my eye again. This time, she’s trying to push away a guy being way too f*****g handsy. “Sorry, ladies. Gonna have to ’scuse me,” I say, putting on my shirt and moving toward Hadleigh at the bar. “You know you want it, sweetheart. Open those legs for me,” the prick has the nerve to say. Fuck no. Fuck no.“Get off her,” I shout, ready to beat this dude’s ass for being disrespectful. “Knox!” she scolds. “Stop cheating!” “What are you, her boyfriend?” he slurs with too much confidence. “She came onto me!” me“No, he’s not my boyfriend,” Hadleigh answers. I turn my gaze to her. “He’s gettin’ too handsy. Game’s over.” “f**k you,” he spits. I stand taller, ready to bash in his ugly mug, when Hadleigh pushes me back. “Let’s go, Knox. He’s not worth gettin’ arrested.” She knows my history too damn well. But that’s where she’s wrong. Sitting behind bars because of him would be worth every damn minute, especially if it meant he’d never get the chance to touch her again. “You wanna fight, is that it?” The douche stands, but I have a good three inches on him. Hadleigh squeezes my arm tighter, but I ignore it and step into him, daring him to punch me. daring“Do it,” I push. I’ll let him get one hit before I pummel his ass to the ground. “Knox, stop it!” Hadleigh hisses, wiggling her way between us. “Look at me.” “Move, Hads.” “Yeah, b***h. Move.” MoveI see red as I try to get Hadleigh out of the way, but she stands on her tiptoes and cups my face. The split-second distraction has me taking a step back and locking eyes with her. Before I can say anything, her mouth crashes on mine. Quickly stabilizing myself, I grip her waist and pull her closer. She moans as her tongue slides between my lips and twists with mine. I thread my fingers through her hair, tilting her head back so I can dive deeper. “Hads…” I groan when she creates space between us. She blinks up at me, then notices the guy is long gone. Motherfucker was all talk and couldn’t walk the walk. “What was that for?” I ask. Her throat moves as she swallows hard, and I can tell she’s trying to regain her composure. “I panicked.” I arch a brow. “I didn’t want you to fight on my behalf, Knox. You’ve gotten into enough trouble with the law.” I grunt with an eye roll. “I was gonna let him hit me first.” “That would’ve solved nothing.” “Are you sure that was your only reason for kissin’ me?” “You’re so full of yourself, you know that?” “Answer my question.” “Pfft. Don’t think I didn’t see what you were doin’ over there, mister no shirt. That girl was about to swallow your tongue and straddle you like a horse,” she says. no shirtMoving my lips to her ear, I whisper, “Did that make you jealous?” “After what just happened, I think you’re the jealous one here,” she retorts. “I don’t get jealous, Hads, but I wasn’t about to watch you get taken advantage of by that p*****t. Now quit stallin’ and answer my question.” She casually shrugs. “I wanted to know what all the hype was about. All the girls you’ve kissed always make a big deal out of it. Personally, I don’t see the appeal.” “You’re full of shit.” “And you’re still an arrogant jerk.” “Maybe so, but you still want to stick your tongue down my arrogant throat,” I counter. arrogant“God. You’re gonna be insufferable now, aren’t you?” “I don’t know. Why don’t you take me home and see?” I shouldn’t be pushing this to happen, but I can’t stop spewing my thoughts. I’ve treated Hadleigh like an annoying little sister for most of my life, but with one kiss, she has me wanting to tear off her little shorts and explore every soft inch between her thighs. Since we’re in San Angelo and only ten minutes away from her condo, it doesn’t take long for the Uber driver to get us there. I wasn’t sure how she’d handle my request, considering she’s given Kane mixed signals since high school, but right now, her message is loud and crystal clear. “I bet your night would’ve ended a little differently had Sarah Cooke won you,” she says, leading us into the living room. “Oh, I would’ve gone right from the restaurant to fuckin’ her in my truck. Then I would’ve kissed her good night and went to the bar alone to find the next one.” “Jesus. You’re such a w***e,” she spits out with distaste on her lips, but I don’t miss the way her n*****s harden beneath her shirt. “And you’re way too easy to f**k with.” I grin, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into my chest. My erection is painful as she pushes into me. “I might’ve kissed you for other selfish reasons, too,” she finally admits. I dip my head lower and ask roughly, “And what’s that?” “I’ve wondered a time or two what it’d be like…” “And?” She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me closer until our lips are centimeters apart. “Take off your pants, and I’ll tell you.”
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