006 Arrogant jerk!

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Aaron glanced at his wristwatch and said "It's noon already. I'm here to take my bride-to-be home" Tessa eyes widened on hearing that. Such an arrogant jerk! She fumed. "And what if it's a No!" She fired back at him. "Why do l have a feeling that it is a yes?. You wouldn't quit your job, if you were going to decline. And you wouldn't dare to say No" Aaron said proudly. 'What? How do you know that?" Tessa asked with a widened eyes. "There are a lot you don't know about me Tessa, and l hate to be kept waiting is inclusive" He said and brought out a file, he handed it over to her and said. "Open it or perhaps you can go through it on our way home" "Home? Is this asshole being serious right now. I haven't even given my approval yet" Tessa thought to herself. "This guy is clearly an asshole and why can't l just say no to him and go back to my normal life. How can l be in love with such a jerk, who doesn't even give a f**k about me. Hope I'm not making the worse decision of my life?" She muttered inwardly. "Alright. Let me get my bags and inform my grandma that I'm leaving" Tessa said and to leave. "I take that as a yes then. Lucas will help you with your bags and please don't keep me waiting for too long" Aaron pointed out and gave her a side smirk. Proud jerk! Tessa fumed inwardly. "Is fine, l will get my bags myself" Tessa said and walked into the house. "Tessa. You're about leaving?" Mrs Taylor asked as she walked into the room and saw Tessa dressed up and her bags already packed. Tessa gazed at her, bearing a sad look. She walked up to her and hugged her tightly. "Yes grandma. I was about coming to inform you. Plus Aaron is waiting outside, he came to pick me up" Tessa retorted. "You know you don't have to do this, if you don't want to. Are you sure you want to do this Tessa?" Her grandma asked with a serious but gentle tone. Tessa smiled, not wanting to give her grandmother worried. "l don't know grandma but l do not that l love him and l can't get him off my mind. I know l might have gotten cold feet, seeing how arrogant he is, l don't know if I'm going to regret doing this but everything in me wants to give it a try. I think l want to do this granny" She responded, giving her grandmother a weak smile. "Then you don't have to be afraid. From the little l know about Aaron, l don't think he's that bad. I know how much you love him and I don't want you to get hurt, what are you going to do when his bride-to-be comes back and the contract is over?" Mrs Taylor asked with a hint of concern in her voice. Tessa's heart sank. She never really thought about that, she wanted to be with Aaron and considered the consequences. She stared at her grandmother and said nothing. Wild thoughts going through her mind. Is she going to move on from Aaron when Lisa returns? She thought to herself. "I will figure that out when it's time grandma. I have to go now, l don't want to keep him waiting" Tessa said and hugged her grandmother again, biding her farewell and promised to visit her from time to time. Aaron watched her as she dragged her bag of the house. He stared at her and found himself awed at her beauty. She's indeed pretty! He thought to himself. "What are you doing Aaron? You shouldn't be looking at another woman that way. Is Lisa you want and you're going to find her soon" His inner mind battled with him. He snapped out of the ridiculous thought and asked Lucas to help her put the bag at the truck of the car. "You kept me waiting. And looking at you right now, you don't actually need those shabby clothes in there. That's something Leilani would help you with, you need a change of cloth completely. No wife of mine would be seen in those shabby dresses. Now let's get going, we have a long day tomorrow Tessa" Aaron said rudely and instructed Lucas to drive. "Arrogant preeq" Tessa sneered inwardly and took a quick glance at her dress. She made sure she wore a dress that wasn't torn, the dress wasn't that tacky. So what was he saying, or he just wanted to get on her nerves! The ride to the Wintons villa was a quite one. Tessa went through the contract and gasped. "On no condition should l get pregnant for him" says the contract. "Don't flatter your proud self, l wasn't planning to either. Loving you was a bad idea and now I can't get you off my mind. I'm clearly stuck with this arrogant asshole!" She thought to herself and seeing that she didn't have issues with what was on the contract. She signed it. ………… "Welcome Tessa. And thanks for not turning down his request, you don't know how much this means to me. Thank you" Eleanor said and pulled Tessa into a warm hug. "At least there's one sensible and considerate human in here" She thought to herself, she smiled and hugged her back. "Leilani would show you to your room. Be rest assured that everything you need tomorrow is ready. Just get some rest as tomorrow might be quite stressful. I smiled and said "Thank you so much Mrs Winston for the warm welcoming. I appreciate" "Call me Eleanor. And thank you too" she said with a huge grin in her face. Tessa nodded and turned to follow Leilani when a voice rang in the room. "Is she the Tessa?" Dylan asked. Eleanor nodded which gave him access to move further, gushing over Tessa. "Oh my god! She's so pretty. Aaron didn't mention you were this pretty" He said and took Tessa's hand, placing a kiss at the back of her hand. Tessa blushed and asked "And you are?" "Dylan Thompson. Aaron's best friend" He added. And just when l was about introducing myself, Aaron's husky voice rang. "Don't be flattered Tessa, he's only good with words, so don't take it personal, he's only flattering you" Aaron said sarcastically. And chuckled, not wanting to be intimidated by him, l replied him "I love to be flattered. Thank you Dylan, you don't look bad yourself" Tessa could see the change in Aaron's demeanor, he was livid. She giggled inwardly and said aloud "l will take my leave now. Leilani, after you" I left with Leilani, happy that l was able to match his energy. There is limit to what someone could tolerate.
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