1- Chance meeting

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As requested more times than I can count lol, I am bringing you the reupload of Alpha Dalgaard! All five books won't be posted together this time, they will all be separate books. They will be bunched together in a spin-off series of Lycans Of Lykos, aptly named Werewolves Of Lykos. Where these books were once free, they won't be forever this time. I know that's a bummer, but I can no longer afford to keep all of my books free. There will still be free books uploaded, so never fear! I do hope you all understand and don't hate me too much for this! But I have a sick child to care for and too many things to pay for where he is concerned. I will try to keep the chapters short so that when and if they go to pay to read they won't cost too much to open. I want to thank you all for your constant support in my writing journey. You are all awesome! Orrin My name is Orrin Dalgaard, and I am the leader of my pack – the Alpha of Scarlet Nightwalkers. My pack is the largest Werewolf pack in the world, made so thanks to the Lycan King, Thane. I am also a Supreme Alpha, the most powerful Alpha to ever walk this earth. It’s a lot of work and responsibility ruling a Wolf pack, let alone the largest in the world, but I enjoy it. Keeping my people safe from humans is essential and a job I take very seriously. I work closely with King Thane to keep our world cloaked from prying eyes. I’ve been told of late by the Elders of my pack that I need to take a wife. I need to find my mate and make her my Luna. Easier said than done. I’ve met many beautiful women over the years. I’ve had my share and fill of shifters of every kind, Sirens, Vampires, Dragons, and Demons alike. I’m not picky. But I did not spark with any of them, let alone bond or even imprint. I have come to believe I will never find my destined mate. Perhaps the Moon Goddess deemed me unworthy. I don’t want to consider such a thing; an Alpha like me would surely have a mate somewhere. But the Gods and Goddesses know I have searched the world and found nothing. It’s unheard of for a man of my standing not to have found his mate by the age of twenty-five, which I am. Many Werewolves find their mates by age twenty-one, sometimes younger, some older. It’s Lycans who can wait a century or even longer. As I haven’t found my mate, it means everyone around me believes there is something wrong with me. Motherfucke.rs! My mother will never stop badgering me until I bring home a mate and make her pregnant with my pup. ‘She’s out there somewhere, just waiting for you to bump into her.’ She keeps telling me as though I’m just going to bump into the woman who is my mate – my future Luna. By age twenty-two, I stopped looking and hoping and went about my life the way I always had. I’m a biker wolf, and the wind is my best friend. Whether in wolf form or riding my motorcycle, feeling the wind on my face is the best feeling there is. Right now, I’m checking the forest surrounding my territory. The forest is a vast place, unseen by human eyes. Many spells and enchantments protect the entire pack and surrounding packs to keep my people safe. Humans aren’t as stupid as most creatures believe them to be, yet they’re incredibly ignorant at the same time. Most will believe whatever you tell them, and others will not. We have nothing to fear from humans; as long as they remain ignorant of our world, they’ll stay safe. Many have spouted rubbish about Werewolves and other paranormal creatures, but none have been believed. Not by anybody with any sense, at least. Who would believe such things existed? But are those people really crazy? Stories may have made us sound like monsters, but where do you think the ideas for those stories come from? That’s right, humans who have spotted or seen something they couldn’t explain. They told others of such things, and they were deemed crazy. I have known humans to be locked away in mental asylums due to their insistence about Werewolves being real. First off, there are many different paranormal creatures. Werewolves aren’t too hard to believe; wolves are real, after all. It’s the mythical creatures that people should really concern themselves with, such as Dragons and Sirens. Secondly, What human in their right mind would ever believe a man could turn into a wolf? None, that’s how many. But, of course, some humans have come into contact with my kind, hence why movies were made. However, they made us look like monsters when we were no such thing. Some even mixed Werewolves and Lycans up, which is where the humans came up with what Werewolves looked like in their eyes. Werewolves do not exist the way humans see them. Yes, we turn on a full moon and run with our pack, but we have control of our wolves and can transform whenever we see fit. We also look nothing like the horrors humans depict us as. We are wolves, the same kind you see in the wild. Over the years, a law was made that none shall converse with humans unless they are your mate. Mating with humans doesn’t often happen because humans can’t feel the mate bond. The Lycan King is a powerful Alpha and made sure that everyone in Lykos and around the world knew that causing war with humans was not allowed. Hell, it’s never what any supernatural creature wants, but it’s sometimes unavoidable if humans happen upon us. That can and has happened, though we have Vampires that will glamour those humans, making them forget they ever met us. I, however, made my own law upon taking the Alphaship from my father. None shall mate with humans upon pain of death. I do not tolerate that shi.t, no exceptions. Thankfully, I have the King’s blessing because he is the only one who can override my decision. My father was brilliant, and he had a way with words. Dermot Dalgaard was also a scientist and criminologist. He was well-respected with his pack, other shifters, and all supernaturals. Father taught us all that if you give respect, you will gain respect. However, some have none, and some you just cannot trust. The main culprits are the Bear shifters across the border just outside of Lykos. The King of the Bears does not have the same views as us, nor do they have the same rules. They tend to wander into our territory and cause havoc just for the sake of it. Nightshade is Bear territory; they have no business being in Lykos. Nightshade is many miles from Lykos, so it doesn’t end well for them when bears come onto my territory. Leopold, the Bear King, and I have an understanding. His subjects do not cross my borders, and my Wolves won’t cross his. I keep my end of the bargain, but Leopold does not, which infuriates the hell out of me. However, it’s not a Bear Adrian and I come across; it’s a little girl gnawing on berries like they’re a chunk of meat. I look to Adrian, my younger brother, who is looking at the little feral girl. Her dark hair is hanging scruffily around her shoulders and looks like it hasn’t seen a brush or shampoo in days. Her clothes are filthy and look like they’ve seen better days, and I have to wonder how she came to be lost in the forest. The child is a Bear; that much is easy to tell; I can sense it. The little girl turns her head, red berry juice dripping down her chin, her big brown eyes wide with fear. She can’t be a day over four, and I wonder if her parents are missing her right now. “Orrin!” Adrian hisses my name as I take a step towards the girl. She’s obviously alone in the world with nowhere to go. I can’t just leave her out here alone, even I’m not that much of a bastar.d. No, I’ll take her back to my pack and call Leopold. I might not get along with the pric.k, but he should know one of his own is lost out here. Adrian grabs my arm and shakes his head. What the fuc.k does my brother think this little girl can do to me? Me, of all people? What does he think I’m going to do to her? I’m a monster, but I would never hurt a child, no matter their species. However, she starts screaming like some crazy wild beast, and it’s so loud my ears are ringing. Fuc.k! “Get the fuc.k away from her!” She runs out of nowhere, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, eyes so blue they look like two perfect balls of ocean water shining in the light of the afternoon sun. Her lips are full and red, and her body is clad in tight jeans and a t-shirt. I can tell the girl is in good shape, with perfect full hips, thick thighs, and a flat stomach. She runs like a predator and stands like an Alpha. Goddammit, she’s perfect. Her eyes are locked with mine even as she reaches down to grab the arm of the little girl. She pulls the child behind her as though to protect her. “Stay behind me,” She tells the child. “Will they hurt us?” The little girl asks. “No, baby, I won’t let them hurt you.” Adrian laughs loudly. “You really think you stand a chance against the two of us? Do you even know who you’re talking to?!” The girl grinds her teeth. “I don’t care who you think you are. Come near us, and I’ll tear you apart!” “You bitc.h!” “Adrian!” I use my Alpha tone, my eyes clouding over white. “Hold your tongue!” Adrian bows his head. “My apologies.” “I’m scared.” The little one sniffs. She’s so young and doesn’t deserve to be afraid of anything. She should be home safe and sound, not running through the woods like a savage. “It’s okay, baby. No one is going to hurt you.” “But, An. . .” “Shh. They won’t hurt you, I promise.” The older girl replies, to which the little one nods. The kid looks at us, peaking from behind, whom I imagine is her big sister. The beautiful one doesn’t look nearly old enough to be anyone’s mother. There’s something cheeky about that little girl. There’s a glint in her eye that tells me that she could be trouble. Typical Bear cub. I wonder what they’re doing out here in the wilderness so far from Nightshade? Surely they know where they are? If they do, the older one at least should have known trouble would find them. This is Wolf territory, and am I the Alpha here! Everyone knows who I am, or they should, at least. “What are you doing here? This forest is private land. You have no right to be here!” “We meant no harm,” The beautiful girl tells Adrian. “She was hungry and wandered off before I could stop her.” “Maybe you should take better care of your pet!” I see her eyes flash; something dangerous. I am so fuc.king attracted to her right now. Adrian growls in the girl’s direction, angering me like never before. “Enough, Adrian!” Instantly, he’s quiet. The girl’s eyes flash to me again. This girl is no human; she’s a shifter, but of what kind, I cannot tell. How is she blocking me, of all people? No shifter has the power to prevent me from reading them. I am the Alpha of all Alpha’s; I am a rare breed of shifter that commands all other shifters. No one is above me but the Lycan King himself. I am blessed with powers others can only dream of, and for this girl to be blocking me, she must be almost as powerful. She cannot be my equal; such an Alpha does not often come along. If she were my equal, she’d be a wolf, and I don’t sense it. I see the fear in her eyes, but she has no reason to fear me. I don’t know what has come over me, but I have a strong sense of need for this girl. ‘Yes, you do, Orrin,’ Alarick, my wolf tells me. ‘She’s our mate!’ ‘She can’t be our mate,’ I reply. ‘I don’t even know what she is; I can’t sense anything. That’s not possible, Alarick. The young one is a bear; the older one must be too. She cannot be our mate; wolves and bears do not spark!’ ‘Keep telling yourself that,’ He laughs. ‘She’s no bear, Orrin. You might not be able to sense it, but I can. We have to keep her safe; she belongs to us. You cannot fight the mating pull.’ I sigh because Alarick is right. There is no fighting the mating pull. If it turns out that this woman is a bear, then I would have to reject her publicly. If that happens, I will have to stand back and watch as she suffers through breaking the bond. It may also kill her, kill me. The thought is not pleasant. “I will not hurt you.” I hold up my hands to show my surrender. Even an Alpha must show that he’s willing to back down now and again, especially when it comes to his mate. “Will you tell me your name?” My mate shakes her head, eyes wide. I can’t let her go. Not only because I want her but because she’s seen this place. No one who sees this place leaves it alive. I will not harm her; she will have a choice, or so it will seem to her. Come with me willingly, or spend eternity in the dungeons of my home. A day in my dungeons would have this girl begging to be with me. It’s not easy being tortured with silver, but I know that doesn’t affect Bears. But gold does, so that’s what my guards would use. Either way, she’d be mine. I grab her arm before she has time to turn and run, and a flash of light blasts me like lightning to my brain. Eyes wide, wolf senses activating, I see a vision. I see a woman with long dark hair flowing behind her in the wind. She has a ring of white flowers around her head like a halo. She calls my name and giggles as I rush towards her, lifting her and spinning her around. The woman’s laughter echoes in my ears as I set her on her feet. Her round belly jumps with the force of my pup kicking inside of her. I look into her eyes, those big blue eyes. I’m ripped away from the vision as the girl yanks her hand back. Before I can stop her, she lifts the child in her arms and runs. I don’t know what she did to me, but I have no strength. I fall to my knees, breathing hard. I feel Adrian clasp my shoulders. “Orrin, are you okay? What happened?” I chuckle while nodding my head. Goddess, I’m fu.cked. “I think I just found my Luna.” “What the hell?” I look at my brother with a smirk on my face. That girl is my mate, and I won’t stop until I find her and bring her home.
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