34 - Meeting my father

1709 Words

Orrin “Orrin, calm down,” Anja’s hand on my face has me looking at her. My heart skipped a beat when Anja walked into my office, wearing black trousers and a matching long blazer, hair in a French twist. I can’t believe how lucky I am sometimes. She climbed into my lap and wrapped her arms around me. Just feeling Anja against me calmed my nerves a little. I shouldn’t be nervous; I am the Alpha. But the truth is that I am terrified of meeting Liam. He may be my biological father, but I don’t know him as such, and I’ve had mere days to get used to this. I can’t hide away from the man because he’s my mother’s mate, and they deserve my blessing. I could deny their bond and have Liam sent away, as is my right. But I would lose my mother and sisters because they’d all go with him; my mother

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