16 - Insolence will not be tolerated!

1187 Words

Orrin “How is she?” Mother asks when I return to the drawing room. Everyone is still here, looking at me expectantly. When Anja passed out in my arms, I took her to our room to rest. It seemed using her power drained her of energy. I’m still shocked at what my mate did for my aunt and think everyone else is, too. “She’s sleeping.” I drop down in my seat at the head of the table. Today’s events have drained me, Goddess; I’ve never felt so exhausted. “What she did in this room,” “Was to help my aunt!” I snap at Elder Mathews. He nods his head. “Yes, we understand that. I meant that it was something I had never witnessed nor read about. None should hold the powers your mate does, Alpha Orrin.” “Do you have any idea what kind of weapon you have in your possession?” I grit my teeth an

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