14 - What's happening to me?

1928 Words

Orrin Right now, Anja is the most amazing creature I have ever laid eyes on. My mate is more powerful than any ever prophesied. “I am the giver and taker of life!” Thunder claps the sky again. The Elders are watching Anja, and Elder Manson’s eyes widen. It cannot be true that Anja can give and take life in the way I’m assuming she means. She is not a necromancer – I hope. ‘She could be a necromancer, Orrin.’ ‘There aren’t many of those alive, Alarick! My father outlawed them years ago.’ ‘Anja doesn’t know that, does she? And who’s to say that she isn’t a necromancer?’ I can’t answer my Wolf because I don’t know how. Anja doesn’t know our laws, and I should have made sure to tell her before I let my lust for her overtake me last night. There’s nothing I can do about that now, but I

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