28 - A mothers confession

1639 Words

Orrin A hand on my face draws my attention. “Orrin, please calm down. No one has hurt me, sweetheart, I promise.” I get out of my seat and pull my mother into my arms. Her arms wrap around my back, and I hear the shuddering breath she takes. “Mother, you’re worrying me.” “I’m sorry, I’m just struggling with something.” I kiss her head before allowing her to pull away from me. I sit on the edge of my desk, and Mother stands in front of me. “You can tell me anything, Mom.” She smiles. “I’m not your Alpha right now; I’m your son, and I hope your friend.” “Oh, Orrin,” Mother takes my hand, and I smile. “The thing is – gosh, I don’t know how to say this. I never thought this would happen to me, and I don’t know why it has now; I’m forty-five!” “But you don’t look a day over twenty-five,

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