8. Obviously Salad

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Sanaah felt her cheeks hurt from smiling. Neil and Zander were at it, bickering like children and at that moment it was impossible to believe that Zander was a billionaire who owned the orchard. They both equally took jabs at each other and when it got too much as in James giving them a look Neil pushed Zander away. After that, she helped Neil carry the packed bins to the shop. They had the idea of selling fresh apples directly from the orchard because most of the locals visit the orchard. Before halloween, they even have apple picking organised just for the locals. It's apparently a messy affair as most of them drop the apples on the floor or forget their things. "What should we do now?" Sanaah asked, her eyes flickering towards the clock. It was too early for their lunch break and also her wrist was hurting from trying to imitate Neil. He laughed at her for that. "Do you want to organise the apple bins or read about them?" Lenon asked leaning against the rail. He was back from the deliveries and the one to open the store. As he was managing the accounts of the store, his office was exactly behind. It was made of glass so he always messed up with people working in the store. The second one sounded like a really good option. Besides she liked reading. Cosmopolitans do count okay. She needs to filter through them and feel insecure about herself once a while so that it will motivate her to work out. She rolled her lips in between her teeth, "The second one?" Neil laughed, "Not much surprise there" "Hey I helped you pack these" He hummed softly and raised his head at her, "And I am thankful for that milady" He was funny. Besides, it was better to think about him than Zander who already had a girlfriend. The said girlfriend angrily scribbling something in her book. "You're forgiven mister" She flicked her hands in a dismissing manner, an amused smile on her face. "Oh, how can anyone compete with your kindness?" Nina slammed her hand on the counter, "Can you just shut the f**k up? Jesus!" Sanaah jumped at the sudden tone and turned to peer at her. What was her problem? They were just fooling around and besides there was no customer in the store. Lenon was wide-eyed as well and Niel narrowed his eyes at his sister. Sanaah wanted to yell back at her but it was her first day and she didn't want to create a bad impression. "Geez, what crawled up your butt?" Neil snickered as he bent down and picked the box of apples. "Nothing" Nina sharply said and dashed away from there. Sanaah stared at her retreating form for a few seconds. Maybe she was going to bother her boyfriend. After goofing around with them Zander was needed back to attend his meeting. He pleaded Niel to go instead of him but Neil just kicked him out. Then again Nina was his girlfriend and she might know ways to make him feel better. Just thinking about it made Sanaah grit her teeth. Lenon grumbled, "What's up with her?" "Wish I knew" Neil sighed. *** James handed Sanaah a book about the apple varieties and best season to pick them. The lines were highlighted and she was having fun reading about them while sitting in Lenon's office, swinging her legs back and forward on the couch. The rest of the time till lunch was spent with her learning so much information, she didn't quite know. Also from the glass door, she could see the actual struggle of running the store. It wasn't easy as she thought. Neil was in the back helping pack the apples into bins. James was in between customers and getting apples out of the cooler to put on the display. It seemed like absolute chaos for a few hours. She also noticed that people called on the phone for orders which usually Nina takes them down but Niel was handling them. Sanaah felt guilty that she wasn't being much of help to them but it was her first day. "No one will hate you if you don't help out today" Lenon's voice broke her chain of thoughts. Flustered she turned to stare at him. From the past few hours, he was busy with tons of paperwork on his table. He occasionally lifted his head as if to check on CCTV footage on the screen then it was back to work. Everyone was multitasking so of course, it made her feel worthless. "I wasn't- Really?" She asked, blinking her doe eyes at him. "Yeah. You've done enough and it's your first day. After lunch, you can manage the cash counter.  How does that sound?" "Sounds good" She gave him a smile all while thinking about Nina. Was she going to come back or too busy giggling with Zander? "Is Nina alright?" She slowly asked, almost hesitantly. The last thing she wanted was to upset Lenon into thinking that she was interested in gossip. "Ahh, she will be! Somedays she gets like this because Zander isn't around to make her laugh. We are used to it by now but she never yelled like that." Lenon huffed, his hands trying to pull at all the papers together. Oh. Sanaah thought. Ofcourse that's why Nina was upset and not because something Sanaah did. It was unfair how she was so close to Zander okay. She was quiet after that, focused on reading the book in front of her. Lunch time came quicker than she expectedly. Zander had developed the tradition of eating together atleast three days a week so that they can feel like family. The thought bought a smile to her face and reminded of her office back home. Christian wanted the same thing but most of them skipped to the nearby delis or cafes to get lunch. It was highly impossible to get everyone in the same room at the same time. She packed a healthy salad in her tupperware. Actually, the maid did but anyway. Sanaah had asked her to throw in extra tomato cherries and broccoli because she needed that. Along with that, a protein-packed drink. The lunchroom was spacious and on the first floor of the farmhouse. She had no idea there was another floor to that huge house. The stairs were narrow and at the end of the hallway so no wonder she didn't notice at first. "This is nice" She murmured as her eyes shifted around the room. There was a fridge in the corner and a huge counter beside it with microwave and espresso machine. In the centre of the room, there was a huge dining table with eight chairs around. She noticed that Zander was already sat along with Nina. "Had a good day?" Zander questioned as Sanaah pulled a chair across him. With her lips pursed tight, she nodded her head. What more can she do? James groaned as he slumped on the chair, "My arms are killing me, man. Maybe we should make them five pounds instead of ten" "Yeah tell us something new" Kenny snorted. "Exactly. James, don't you get bored complaining about the same thing every day?" Keith snickered beside his brother. "Oh shut up as you would know. All you guys do is pick the apples" Zander cleared his throat before anyone of them could reply. She noticed that they went quiet at his interruption. And most of them had like two storey tiffins not a tupperware like her. "Can we not go over this again?" "Sorry" James sighed. She ignored them and opened her lunch. Lenon nudged with his elbow and she noticed that he was staring at her. "What?" "Is that all you bought?" She scrunched her face and then noticed that everyone was piling their plates with mashed potatoes, piece of meat and bread. Her mouth watered at that but she only ate heavy food during weekends. It was her way to treat herself. "Sanaah that's salad man" James exclaimed "Yeah well, thanks for pointing out the obvious James" She rolled her eyes, digging her fork into the salad. Zander coughed, "Guys leave her alone alright?" Nina snorted, slow and quiet, "Yeah besides she needs to watch her figure" Sanaah glared at her but Nina gave her an innocent smile in return while picking the melon from Zander's plate. It was oddly intimate. "Sanaah you want to run away yet?" Zander questioned, raising his head at her. Licking her lips, she drawled, "Mmh although I'm tempted no" "Well I'm glad to hear that" "You should be. I packed the apples" "Wow, you packed the apples? That's like the hardest thing ever. You are so talented" Zander said in a high pitched voice and she ducked her head down. Nina cleared her throat tugging at Zander's hand and asking him something. It made Sanaah look away. All she did was a reply to Zander's questions. Neil turned to her, "Sanaah we do this group gatherings at Zander's place and we are planing one tonight. You should come" Sanaah's eyes fell on Nina and how she had Zander's arm in her grip. That's something she couldn't bear to see any longer. Her small cottage sounded better than any place. "I think I have to pass. It's just I have a lot to unpack and my mother's gonna call so..." "That's alright. Some other time maybe" Lenon gave her a smile. "Yeah" She whispered but from the corner of her eyes, she noticed that Zander's face fell. ***
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