Chapter 5: The Boy who got away

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Kim: “It’s done.” Aawut handed his boss the tab that held the cleared out footage of the only surveillance camera that was placed outside the restaurant that the traitor Thong had built. “I guess traitors are more afraid of being cheated on than the rest.” Kim mused, going through the footage of him taking the boy into his car, followed by his men taking out Thong and the man who was his chef and escorting them to another location. “Did you get the money?” “Two million.” Aawut confirmed; his black suit and white shirt still without a single wrinkle despite him having working all night long. “The rest he had used to purchase the restaurant, so we confiscated the keys. The papers for the transfer of asset are being prepared. It should be signed and handed to you this afternoon.” “Good.” Kim nodded. “And the chef? Have you gotten anything out of him yet?” “Yes, sir.” Aawut nodded, taking the tab from his boss to pull up an information page before handing it back to his boss. “His name is Aun Thanakoset. Twenty nine years old and the only earning member of his house. His mother is dead and his father is suffering from cancer, currently hospitalized to receive treatment. He looks after his grandmother and sister all on his own. As for his relationship with Thong…he had borrowed money for his father’s treatment and in return, works as the chef for lowest wage at the restaurant." “So…Thong threatened him to put drugs into the boy’s drink or he would stop paying the hospital bills?” Kim raised his eyebrows, not at all surprised that Thong had used a poor man’s weakness against him to force him to do his bidding. “Thong also keeps him in check by using his little sister against him.” Aawut confirmed. “The man seemed relieved that we took Thong down. I don’t think he actually had any intention of drugging the boy.” Kim simply nodded, handing the tablet back to Aawut so he could concentrate on what to do next. The boy who had gotten away from him this morning was still at the back of his mind, however, he had another pressing issue to deal with. “And did you find out who recommended Kaya to join that website?” Kim might run several illegal businesses, but he didn’t need local thugs sponsoring his work. Whoever had informed Kaya to register on his website…wasn’t someone he knew, but he fully intended to find out. As for the employee who had entered Kaya’s name without consulting him…well, he had already fired them without even bothering to hear their excuses. He didn’t pity those who hurt his own. “Our people are still looking out for the man.” Aawut told his boss. “We tracked down the restaurant where Khun Ritthirong worked, but so far, we still need a few more days to get the information we need.” “Stay on it.” Kim ordered. “I’ll talk to Kaya about the man once she’s settled in the main house.” “Yes, sir.” Aawut bowed. “Khun Ritthirong and her brother’s rooms have been prepared as per your request. If there is something else you require of me…?” “I’ll let you know.” Kim waved his hand, indicating that his bodyguard could depart. Aawut left the Condo immediately, leaving Kim to his thoughts. Kim knew that his bodyguard was curious about the boy he had brought to the Condo with him last night. He didn’t blame him, because Kim was curious as well. Curious and intrigued about the boy who was beautiful enough to have stolen his breath away. Who had made Kim lose control like he had never done before. Kim had been gentle with the boy…something he wasn’t used to with any of his lovers. He had taken care of him even after he had fallen asleep close to dawn, finally exhausted after making love multiple times throughout the night as the effects of the d**g had finally worn off. Who was he? Where was he from? Had he been able to get back home safely? Why had he snuck out early in the morning without letting Kim know he was leaving? And why had Kim let him go without a single word, even though he had been awake since the first time he felt the boy stir in his arms? Kim knew that it was the boy’s first time, because he had told him so. Was that why he was being so concerned about the kid? He was worried that he might regret their time since it was under the influence of drugs and not how his first time should have been…however, Kim couldn’t bring himself to regret it, not after he had been made to feel something that he hadn't felt in ages. Happiness. He regretted not asking his name, or his age. He had been wearing his University shirt when Kim had picked him up…if only he had noticed then where he studied… Kim shook his head in frustration. Not only was he getting involved with a kid who was still a University student, he was starting to get obsessed with him only after a one-night stand. It was what Kim usually preferred. One-night stands that didn’t have any meaning and was only to let off some steam to satisfy his physical hunger. He had given up on forming a long-term emotional relationship with anyone since he took over his late father’s business as the new head of the Ayutthaya family. And he would have continued to keep it that way only if his father’s former subordinates hadn't started to question the future of the clan after him. Hia Kla, his older brother and the real successor of the clan, had declined the offer as soon as their father had died; choosing to live as a law-abiding citizen instead. And Kim only had one other sibling, their Nong Som, Kohsoom Ayutthaya, the only girl in their family who had just started university last year. Involving Som into any of the family business was out of the equation and so far, she was well guarded by both Kim and Kla. Som was also a weakness that other clans would gladly exploit, if they became aware that the Ayutthaya clan had another heir; so her existence had been kept well under wraps ever since her birth. But now that Kim was being forced into producing an heir for the continued growth and succession of his clan; he was going to have one, or more weaknesses in his armor. The thought particularly didn’t sit well with him, but it was necessary to shut up those people who might end up competing with him to take over their businesses. That was why he had chosen Kanya as soon as he had seen her name on his website for surrogacy. If she was willing to be a mother, then it was better to have him as a candidate rather than having a child for a random stranger. And not to mention that Kim had known her for over four years and felt extremely protective of her. The phone rang as soon as Kim had finished his shower and was about to change out of his bathrobe. He thought to ignore it at first; that was until he saw Kaya’s name written on the screen. “Kaya?” He picked up instantly. “Is something wrong?” “No…I…” she hesitates and Kim heard her take in a deep breath before answering. “Nong Kit came back home just now. He got stuck outside because of the rain last night.” “You want to talk to him about the surrogacy?” Kim knew that Kit was important to Kaya, just like his siblings were important to him. “Do you want to see his reaction before making a decision?” “Yes.” Kaya breathed a sigh of relief. “I know it sounds illogical, but…I want him to be involved in the decision as well. I’ll try to make him understand as best as I can.” “Do you want me to come over?” “No!” Kaya instant refused, unable to keep the panic out of her voice. “No…not yet. I need him to understand where I’m coming from first, Kim. I can’t dump everything onto him and hope he understands. And it’s best to do it alone, just the two of us. He’s already suspicious since I told him that I found a way to pay off the debt.” Kim couldn’t help but feel a little irritated at her choice of words. “Kaya…you know it’s not just because I want to pay off your debt. You’re my best friend and I know we haven’t seen each other in five years, but I still think of you as my closest friend. If only I knew how bad the situation was, then I would’ve helped you long ago, even without bringing the surrogacy into the equation. And you do know that I’d still help you anyway, right? Even if you refuse the offer?” “I know, I know. I’m sorry…I didn’t mean it in that sense.” Kaya apologized immediately. “But Kit is far too young. He just turned twenty one. I’ll need to explain to him step by step. I only hope that he understands the situation.” “I hope so too.” Kim did feel relieved that Kaya was taking his offer into consideration sincerely. “Let me know how it goes.” “Alright.” Kaya promised before hanging up. As Kim put away his phone to get dressed, he couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen if Kaya’s younger brother didn’t agree to her ‘method’ of paying off the debt. Hell, even Kim didn’t approve of it, not when Kaya placed the word ‘debt’ in her sentences. But he still hoped that her brother would understand and agree to the terms. Because Kim had already decided that Kaya would be the best mother for his future heirs and he would try his best to get her brother to agree, in case she failed to do so herself.
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