Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 Morgana Zapanta "Yahir! settled your date at the second of November, someone's gonna throw a party!" Janna said while strapping her heels on her foot behind the door near the shoe rack. "You know I'm not a party peep," he replied coldly while drinking a glass of water. Janna wear her shoulder bag and neared Yahir. She was too close that made her swaying bag bumped his shoulder, causing the water to slip off into his blue neat uniform. He was frozen, trying to hold his patience. "I'm so sorry," Janna apologize and quickly found a tissue from her bag to wipe the mess. He put down the glass on the table, "I'm fine." He turned to Janna, "You know how busy am I." "You also need some rest! Enjoy the night even once! Please come no matter what." He though for a second, "Okay. But I need to go now." He then left Janna in the kitchen. At the moment he sat inside his car, his phone rang. ["I'm sure you don't want to miss this good news."] He didn't waste a time finding the address given by his partner. It was just around the city near the town. It took an hour before he finally found the subdivision he was looking for. In front of the modern house, he pressed the gate bell and fixed himself. Seconds had passed, a 70s old woman is approaching him. "Old lady again?" he whispered, hoping wouldn't welcome him by yelling as if he was being cursed into hell. "Good morning, officer, what can I do for you?" She welcomed warmly. "A pleasant morning, I'm looking for 'Morgana Reyes Zapanta.'" "You already found what you're looking for." He creased his eyebrows, "You're not saying it's you, right?" The old lady giggled, "Of course not," she opened the gate, "Come inside." She led the way. "Please be seated, make you feel at home," Welcoming him when they came inside the living room. He gently removed his coat and cap, and hanged to the rack before she sat on the couch. She was in the act of walking into the kitchen when she stopped and turned back to Yahir, "Tea or coffee?" "Just a coffee, Mrs...?" "Berta Zapanta. I'm her parent in law, mother of Robert Zapanta." He nodded, "Mrs. Berta," he confirmed. Berta proceeded to the kitchen to serve their visitor. "Morgana! We have a visitor!" she called. "What is it, mother?" an echoed voice from the bathroom. "We have a visitor!" "Who!" "An officer!" "I'm almost done!" After a minute, his coffee is served. Berta sat on the couch in front of him. "At my generation, women are very conservative," she started a conversation out of the blue, sipping her cup of tea, and turned to Yahir. "A simple touching woman's hand is forbidden. Anyone who violates, shall marry her no matter what." She gazed to the window, watching the calm cold weather outside, "Showing the skin is also a sacred act. But now, what the hell is happening to the world." Yahir nodded. He was agree after all. All of a sudden, Morganna appeared, wearing a fleshed colored tank top and sleeping short while drying her hair up with the towel. "Don't show your underarm and looked at what you are wearing!" Berta whispered, scolding her." "Don't worry, mother, it's a new generation," she neglected, looked at Yahir to know his intention, "Why do you want me, officer?" "Your sister--we can't trace her. Can you help us?" Morgana sat on the sofa and took back her attention to him, "May I know the reason, please?" she raised. "About her husband. The family is seeking justice yet she is the only lead we could have. I'm sure she is seeking for it, too." Berta stood up, "I'll just go to prepare the lunch," she said and leave. "How can I trust you?" Yahir withdrew his wallet and show her his badge. "Oh, legit. I thought you're just a normal cop who is just acting as a detective." she validated and drew her phone. "This is her number...," she said while busy looking at the screen. "I'll just dictate it...." After he saved the number, he stood up, "Thank you," he then looked at the kitchen and louder his voice, "Mrs. Berta, thank you for the coffee!" "Leaving too early!" she respond then walked into the living room. "I'm preparing our lunch." "Yes, you should stay for a while," Morgana added. After the meal, Yahir departed from Zapanta family. He stopped his car at the cafe and dialed the number given by Morgana. It took some seconds before it was being answered. "This is detective Alcantara, can we meet up?" ["I'm sorry for asking, but may I know your reason?"] "For the death of your husband." ["He wasn't dead, he was just missing!"] "I'm sorry." Silence stayed for a while, until Margarette had decided. ["How did you get my number?"] "You're sister," he answered. "I wanted to help you to find him but I every details you have. Where and when can we meet up?" ["I already booked a flight to visit my sister at the end of october. We will do our tradition at every first of November, so maybe we can meet at two or three of November."] "Pardon me, but can I have a brief interview now?" ["Sorry, I'm in the middle of crossing the road right now, I'll call you later."] The call ended. He clenched his fist and pulled it back to him, "Yes!" he exclaimed silently and called his Partner. ["Yahir, did you met her?"] "Yes, Gary." ["Finally! With this big miney, we could finally pay our debt and we could now live in a normal life! We are so fortunate, the family is a bigtimer!] he applauded. "Too soon to celebrate, everything still has no certainity." ["If ever this case had done, what will be your plan?"] Yahir stared at the outside, "I'll confess to Patricia." ["Wow, partner! Best wishes for you!"] They both sighed, and waited for a half of a minute before Yahir shifted the topic. "It's been a while, but the past is still hunting us." Gary gave him a silent response. "I've been thinking, even we solved a thousand of cases, it still can't erase my mistake. I'm so sorry, it's all my fault." His partner breath for a second, ["Don't be hard to yourself, we are just doing our job and that's just an accident. And don't dig yourself in regression, move on! You could retire to spend your entire time to Patricia. This one million dollars can establish a business where money will be the one that will work for us anymore, than we, working for the money."] "Thank you. I hope that could be easy as it sounds." ~ November 02, 6:33 am. "Let's eat!" Janna invited while she was eating breakfast on the table when Yahir's room suddenly opened. "I can't go to the party." he said wearing his blue uniform and went to the refregerator to drink a glass of water. Janna stood up, picked up her plate and went to the sink. "But--" He stopped sipping the water, "Don't you ever go near to me again when I'm drinking," he said coldly and drunk the remaining water. Janna looked at him with narrowing eyebrows, "I'm just going to wash my plate," she then remembered the issue, "But you said!" "I need to do my job." "But you already dropped a word! You're not acting like a real man, are you?" "I have an important dinner, Janna!" he raised his voice, unpatiently put down the glass on the table which it was almost shattered by the impact. "A date?" "No! An interview dinner." "Can't you just passed it tomorrow? You're always job, job, job! You should try to relax sometimes! You're always too stress!" She said, done washing the dish and shaked off her hands to dry it. Clenching his fist, he breathe in and out, trying to calm himself. "You'll never understand," he said and walked out. Looking at her finger nails, she murmured, "Patricia supposed to introduce you her boyfriend at the party. Unfortunately, you won't co--" He was on the act of slamming the door when he turned to Janna, "She had a boyfriend?" "Kidding aside, they were just a friend. But I think it's becoming more than a friend," she replied without looking at Yahir. "You're just bluffing, aren't you?" She turned to Yahir, "Believe me or not, you'll just know it at the party." She went to her room, "I'm gonna fix myself now!" she said bubbly. Yahir immediately picked up his phone and texted Margarrette (Yahir Text) Sorry for the inconvenience, let's re-sched our interview tomorrow morning if you are available. I have a very important appointment for today. *** ]mvcabusas[
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