Chapter 18

1388 Words
Chapter 18 The Encounter The minute Patricia arrived at the office, she dropped her bag on the table, pick up the phone and rushed herself to dial Cassandra's number. After awhile, it was being answered, ["Hello? Is Cassanra is there?"] They let the silence passed before she could answer, "I'm sorry, but that's the question I'm about to ask." ["Never ever call me if you have no good news, you're wasting my time!"] Cassandra's mother yelled. "Sorry, I just want to help." ["You are not helping!"] "If you ever need an helping hand, I'm always--" She was being interrupted when the call ended. "--here," she added hopelessly. The door had opened and she was panicked. The air conditioner still not running, ice formed inside the window during the weekends and the blindfolds aren't opened. "Who's that?" Jax greeted him. She sighed for a relief, grateful that it was only Jax. "It's about Cassandra, she still not in home," she said, staring to run the air conditioner to melt the breeze. Gently closing the door, he sat on the chair, "That's awful," he said as if he wasn't guilty. Patricia grabbed a piece of cloth from her drawer and straightly went to the window, "By the way, too early, huh?" She glanced to Jax and continue wiping the window. "Let me help you with that," he initiated and neard Patricia. "No, thanks--" she refused but was too late. Jax is already at his back, touching his body into her back, holding her hand as he was trying to steal the piece of cloth. Their heat radiated from each other, helped to get rid of the cold. Few seconds had passed but they were both unable to move and speechless. Why is her heart racing? And why is she hearing Jax's heartbeat with unpatiently thumping as well? His hot ghust breath from the mouth tickled her ears, which moved into her neck. The soud of the wind chimes made them to quickly stay away from each other and fixed themselves. "Goodmorning," Patricia greeted, trying to hide her nervous what if they are being caught. But when she saw who's at the door, she was more worried. "Janna, you're too early," she smiled, lips are trembling. Janna was frozen, gazing into the calm perfect man she saw. Patricia noticed the awkward silence, so she filled the gap. "By the way, Janna, this is Jax," she then looked at Jax, "Jax, this is my cousin, Janna." She turned back her eyes to Janna. Jax walked forward into Janna and lent his arms, "Nice to meet you." Staring dumbfounded in his hands, she slowly accepted it. After the shake hands, she gazed back to his eyes, "Oh my gosh, it's really you!" she accused. Both of their eyes furrowed, like hearing a mystery and trying to decode it. "You two have known each other?" Patricia guessed constructively. "Pardon me, I can't remember," Jax said confusing. "Wait, give us a second," Janna excuses to him and went quickly to Patricia. She neared her mouth to her ears but stopped for a second. Patricia is waiting, until her curiousity doesn't wanted to waste a time. "What is happening?" she whispered. "It's him!" she tried her best to lower the voice. "What is about him?" "The handsome man I'm telling you!" She shrie Payricia was disapointed. That's it? She thought there is something deeper. Without showing her disappointment, she continue and acted, "Which one? When?" pronouncing through an intrigued voice. "Don't you remember? I supposed to show you the picture but you denied and said 'I don't need a boyfie.'" "As far as I remembered, I said 'you're brother must send you here for a mental check-up.'" "See? You knew it? And why is he here?" "Did I done something wrong?" Jax asked. Jax fixed herself, feeling embarassed, she turned to Jax, "Nothing. I'm sorry." On that moment, their attention was being caught when the win chimes clunked to each other as the door oppened. Jax has no intention to read the new client, but when he glanced into it, his eyes were glued into him. His heart beats rapidly.The guy looked familiar to him, but he can't remember. "Good morning, Kove, I didn't expected you." Patricia warmly welcomed. "Good morning," he treaded coldly and went straight to the chair without minding the surroundings. Patricia sat down on her chair, then looked politely to her two friends," Uhm, Jax, Janna, would you mind if you go..." "Oh, sure," Jax initiated. "Oh, yeah," Janna, followed. "No, wait," Kove stopped them with his raspy voice, lying his nape on his palms, lazily leaning into the backrest with his legs wide opened, "I just came here to invite you to the holloween party." He glanced shortly to two, "Perfect timing, I saw you both and invited you." He finally stood up, stretching his arms in the air before he walked. Passing at Jax, he stopped for a while, touched his pointed finger into his chest, "My cousin is looking for a model, I may introduce you into her at the party, just approach me," he said to him and continue his steps. "I'll text my address later. Don't forget to bring all friends you can!" he said at the outside before the door had closed. Janna shrieked out and neared, "Oh my gosh, Jax! You're gonna be a celebrity!" she celebrated while pinching his cheeks. "That expectation was too high match the reality. It was just a model and no certainty to be accepted," Jax responded, uncomfortable with Janna's being too touchy. "Jax, this is it, the first step on your dream," Patricia calmly congratulated. He was not really interested, but hearing Patricia's expectation, his mind became blank and filled with the goal to impress her. "Sure, I'll do my best," he said starring deeply into Patricia's eyes. Too distracted into her, he can't feel Janna's annoyingly touching his body anymore. The surrounding shifted into a spring garden of flowers. He was prunning the shrub and stood up to get rid of the numbing knees at the moment. While wiping his sweats, he was frozed into a beautiful girl he saw. "Trixia." "Hello? Are you there?" Janna interrupted his daydreaming which helped him to got his senses back. There's already a client serving by Patricia and they need to go out. While walking in the passageway, an old woman at 50's, wearing a formal coat with a straight posture, looked at them with an suspenseful eyes as they were passing through. Janna and Jax waited Patricia at the lobby. They both are being quite. He looked at her, trying to start a conversation. "Uhm..." "I don't like you for my friend," she treated coldly. How surprising, it was none of his expectation. Just recently at the inside, she's feeling close to him. But why sudden like this? Janna is not contented, she pointed her two fingers in front of her eyes and slowly pointed it in front of his eyes. Jax's face still blank, until it formed a deep confusion when Janna laughed all of a sudden. "Why so serious? I'm just kidding!" He didn't find it even a bit funny. But she was someone special to Patricia, so he forced himself to act as if he was caught by the prank. But only small chuckles he could give. "By the way, why are you waiting her?" His cheeks turned to red, "I... Uhh..." Her eyes widened, "Wait, don't tell me you're dating her?" she exclaimed. "Yes--No! I mean, we're just hanging out as a friend." She glared at him with a teasing look. "Hanging out 'just' a friends, Huh? Really?" He felt heat oppresing his cheeks, "Yes." A light bulb suddenly bloomed at Janna's thought when she realized someting, "Wait again, are you the one who ghosted us in the Papillon Restaurant?" He glanced guilty away from her, "Y-yes. I'm so sorry, I had an emergency on that night." "What kind of emergency?" "It's too personal, I'm sorry." "Too personal, huh?" she said in her thoughts. "Nah, don't mind it, it's fine. " Not because of you, I still have no job. Credits to you!" "Congratulations," he forced himself to smile and act the normal reaction should be. He smells something, something that is a threat. *** ]mvcabusas[
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