Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Save Me! "Are you sure I can leave you now?" "Don't worry me, Janna, I'll be fine." Janna looked at the window. "It's getting dark, you know... It's dangerous to walk alone. What if she wouldn't come again just like yesterday?" "But she texted me. She needs someone to lean on at her situation." "Okay... Uhm... I'll just tell Yahir so he could drive you home if ever." "Please no. I don't want someone to get worried for me. I can take care of myself." Patricia smiled. "Okay. Adios amigo!"After Janna has gone, she grabbed the phone on the table to text her client. Patricia (text) I'm still waiting for you. Just take your time. Then put down her phone. She started to feel drained as her instinct is telling her that Courtney won't come anymore. Maybe the client thought that her help is just after the money? But she hasn't charged her even a centavo yet. The arm of the clock had already passed some rounds. Looking at her watch, it's already 9:45 pm, where her office time is only 'til 5 pm. She began to packed her things and closed her office. Then suddenly, her phone clung, which indicates she had received a message. Her energy rose. And as she expected, it was Courtney. She was glad that her time is worth it. Courtney (text)"I'm sorry, I can't come anymore. It was unexpected that I need to move to another place. I was very far away from here so I don't think we can meet anymore. I also want to lose contact with all the people I knew. Thank you for understanding." Patricia's time and effort went in vain--for the second time. –- She was walking under the glistening lights of the lamp posts. These are the only thing that illuminates the darken and eerie road. Patricia waved her hand when she saw a taxi but then it has already a passenger. Cold fabrics of wind caressed her skin when the taxi ignored her gesture and continue to drive past her. She withdrew an exasperated sigh of disappointment as her eyes lingered on the vehicle that is now slowly fading in the view. The only option left now is to walk until she reaches the Jeepney terminal. As she started her journey to the narrow and isolated street, the darkness began to swallow her vision. As she walked by, the stench of alcohol tickled her nose--it came from a nearby store; three are enjoying their chit chats while leisurely caressing the glasses of liquors on the table. She felt a sudden chill run through her spine when she realized the possible scenarios, so she tried to be careful in her actions while accelerating her steps to avoid drawing attention. Unluckily, a single thin put her in danger when she accidentally stepped on a tin can. The sound of metal groaning disturbed the silence as it rolled down on the road. Then she sensed an eye-piercing in her direction. She must pretend to be casual but her reflexes failed her by responding to their uncomfortable stares. Their menacing smirk sparked the raging anxiety within her. She can't understand. She chose to wear dresses that cover almost all of her skin, but why is she seeing lustful eyes trying to penetrate her clothes. Still acting clueless, she neared a car that was parked at her side and gently knocked on the window. "Babe, I'm here," she said undisturbedly because she doesn't want to wake up the silhouette of the sleeping man she saw inside. The three men stopped for a moment and looked at each other. Peeking the surrendering men in side-mirror made her smirked, but not the sudden change of one's mind. "It's three vs. two. I'm really horny, I can't take it anymore!" Her heart beats rapidly so she violently knocked on the door. "Babe! Open the door, please!" They were all stunned from being blinded by the sudden flash matching with the rumbling engine. The car door opened and pulled her inside then immediately drove the car. Patricia fixed herself and fastened her seat belt. She was about to give gratitude when her eyes widened and unable to move her body. Her heart started to pump crazy. Then she met his eyes--it was blank, how could it be? How could her gift of reading people fail her with this kind of man? A sudden horn caught their attention that made his focus back on maneuvering the steering wheel. They both released an awkward laugh to recover from the suffocating atmosphere. "So, it's you again," he started. "Ah, yes... I-I'm sorry for the second trouble." Then she chuckled nervously. "By the way, I'm Patricia." "Jax." Jax felt something familiar, or maybe unfamiliar. Because in all of her victim, Patricia is the only one who introduced his name. And he is now expecting something. "Where will I drive you? Don't worry about my time, I'm independent on my own." "Uhm... just put me down on the jeep terminal." "O-okay." He was disappointed by not hearing his expected answer. What he was thinking? The woman looks smart and beautiful, obviously has a high standard. But he remembered something. While waiting, she remembered Courtney so she withdrew her phone tried to contact her for the last time to give a warm farewell and some inspirational messages. She stared at Courtney's number for giving it a second thought. "Who are you calling? You're boyfriend?" Patricia was surprised and embarrassed by the question so she decided to slip back her phone through her pocket and forgot to lock it. "No, it's a friend." She said while waving her hands a sign of surrender. She even doesn't have that kind of stuff, what a terrible question is that? Then she felt a sudden vibration on her chair. She's about to find where it came from when Jax distracted her. "Did I hear it right? You called me 'babe' earlier?" Patricia's felt the heat in her cheeks which is now turning into rosy red pigmentation as she hearing the question. "I-I'm so sorry, I just made it up so they will think I'm not walking alone... you know..." Then she scratched her nape. Jax forced himself to lose a small casual laugh to cover his embarrassment. After a while, her phone rang, it was Yahir. As she accepted the call, her ears were almost shattered by the rants. ["Where are you! Are you okay? Please answer me!"] Patricia let out a sigh. "Don't worry I'm okay." ["It's already late, why didn't you tell me so I could drive you home?"] "I don't want to bother you--" She was interrupted when the car stopped. "We're now at the terminal, I have to go. Bye!" ["What do you mean 'we'--"] And the phone hunged up. "Thank you so much, Jax!" She packed her things and hurried. "Wait, can I get your number--" Jax tried to reach her but it was too late, she was already far. "Only one left!" Patricia tripled her step. Only a few seconds had passed when she was already there, but the conductor looked at her with downcast eyes. "I'm sorry." "When will be the next jeep?" "Unfortunately, you needed to wait until tomorrow. If you want, you may try to look for a taxi but you need to walk half kilometers to reach the main road." And he left Patricia dumbfounded. For the second time, she let out an exasperated sigh. Going back there is like giving up your body to be banged by the gang. She had an idea, to call Yahir for help. But before she tried it, a familiar car neared her. The car window slowly opened and she was surprised and relieved by the face she saw. A pretty boy with clean-cut hair, masculine jawline, wearing a blue uniform, and possessing dark eyes that were almost the same as Janna. "H-how could you--" "I'm a detective, remember?" "Yahir! Thanks for saving me!" Thanking are not enough to express her gratitude. She was very happy and felt finally safe with him. She almost cried while sitting inside. When they left, a pair of furious eyes inside the parked car followed their figure. When they finally lost from the vision, he started the engine and drove the car away. *** ]mvcabusas[
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