Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 The Party Peeper Sitting in front of the mirror with dim lights on every edge and corner. Patricia removed her dark teal jacket and remained her white tank tap and thermal pants. She then watched her reflection in the mirror, until she noticed the door had opened and was surprised when Jax came inside. She immediately wore her jacket again, "Oh, Jax!" she greeted nervously. Too conservative, she was embarrassed showing her skin to men. Jax looked at the empty surrounding. The dressing room is only for VIPs. He then creased his eyebrow and back his attention to Patricia, "I thought Janna is supposed to help you in preparation right now." Patricia looked at the time, half of an hour before the party will start. At that moment, she received a text message. Janna (Text) Patricia Imreally sorry I cant help you an im going to be super late! Ill explain leater, Im in a rush! Looking at the typos, Janna seemed to be really in a hurry. "What it says?" Jax asked. "S-she will be late." Jax looked at the make-up kit and opened it without a hesitation. He went in front of Patricia, pushed her chair away from him a bit, and picked up some tissue paper. He was about to dimped the tissue to her face when he stopped and stared at her eyes, asking for a permission. "Wait, what are you doing?" she was confused. "I'm going to make-up you," he said at the tone of serious. She doubted, "You know how?" "Just watch," he said and start dumping the tissue paper. After, he applied gently the liquid foundation and spread throughout her face until he stopped at her chin. "Your Jacket." She forgotten, but she felt awkward doing it, "What?" she played ignorant. "You need to remove it." Patricia was left no choice but to slowly stripped off the jacket. Jax felt a sudden change of the rate of his heeart beat. Upon seeing his neck, down to her cleavage, he was beeing turned on. But due to respect, he immediately took his eyes away and put back his attention into her face without her noticing. He's on the part of spreading the cream on her chin, down to her neck, running down to her clavicle. It was necessary, her costume will reveal this part of her skin. "Let me," Patricia volunteered to spread the cream by herself before Jax couldn't help to gazed on her medium sized breast. After he brushed the powdered foundation, he stopped for the moment and turned to the opened cabinet, "Can I see your gown?" "That white and sky-blue." "Oh, a dress--Victorian commoner's dress?" "Yes." "Why just a commoner? Why not become a princess?" Patricia breathe for a second, "Princess is too much perfect in the eye of the society--so they are being circled by fakes and materialistic people." "Isn't it better than being stepped down and humilated?" "At least, you knew their true color. No expectations." "What is the connection of your costume on the holloween party?" he jested and gigled. "Don't talk to me,' she found herself funny and embarassing. From the first place, why she needed to seek a deep meaning on her simple costume? Jax continued his job, "So, just a simple make-up will do." He proceeded to the light eye shadowing. "You missed something." He still persisted his doing, "No, I don't." Hiding her eyeball to top, she replied, "Countour." "You don't need it, you're already perfect. That's the reason you didn't wear make-up on a simple occasion." Patricia felt a sudden heat on her face, as well as her heart started to get wild. She was speechless. "I don't remember when did I put a blush-on on your face." She didn't get it for the first five seconds. When she finally does, she felt embarassed which her cheeks turned more into red. "Plot hole," she tried to hide her weakness, "If I don't need a make-up, why did bothered to volunteer your self to be my make-up artist?" He stopped for a moment and picked up something in his pocket, "So that I could put this," he showed the small bottle of artificial blood. "Wait that's out the plan--" before she could stop him, he already dropped it below her eyes, let the liquid run through her cheeks. She looked like was crying blood. Jax stared at her, smirking. She can't redo what happened. All she can do is to accept and looked at the mirror. When she does, she gently touched her face. "Are you a gay?" "No," he answered shortly. "Why you're so good at this?" she praised. It's because it's part of his funerary service. But who taught him? He went to the closet, "You should wear this now." He was only about to pick up the dress when Patricia stopped him, "I can do it all by myself. It's getting late, I think you need to prepare yourself now." She turned to Jax. She's right, he almost forgot. "Are you sure? How about the zipper at the back?" Patricia stretched her arms, "I'm flexible, don't worry me." He just nodded and has gone. Patricia started her journey in wearing the dress by herself. About her flexibility, she may not a lier, but the struggle still real. Suddenly, a woman with a dark long straight hair came inside. She removed her Jacket and went straight to the closet and wear the black elegant gown, and white gloves. Same as Patricia, she was struggling to zip the zipper on her back. She then saw Patricia still trying hard to reach the zipper. "Let me," the woman offered and helped her. "Oh, thank you." "Done!" she cheered. "Can you do mine now?" "Sure!" Patricia obeyed with no hesitation. ~ Red lights. Silhouettes. Different costumes. Party sounds. Loud beats and basses the rumbles her heart. She was being squezzed by the crowd. Some are just chatting. Some are dancing... Kissing... And even doing strange things as a couple, thought they are being covered by the darkness and hidden in the corner. This is the kind of world she has been born: The 21st century. All of a sudden, her ears became deaf from the surrounding. Her eyes became blind from the lights. It's only a one man she can see. With a half naked lean muscular body, braced by the suspenders, and tainted with prosthetic deep cut on his chest, ripped jeans, Jax is wearing a farmer's hat. The world as if being slowed, and the crowed are being stopped. The Dead Farmer. On the era she was referring to, Farmer is mostly the lady commoner's partner. It seems he really paired his costume into her. Jax found it hard to find Patricia with the lack of light. And when he does, their eyes had met. ][][][ I know that I don't belong In your fancy perfect world But I can't stop staring in your eyes You're so beautiful ][][][ He blinked his eyes for a second, and Patricia was gone. Instead, she saw another girl, "Trixia," he mumbled, with his eyes widened out of surprise. He fastened his walk, trying to get through the crowd. And in a flick of a second, ít was again Patricia who's standing still and waiting for him. ][][][ Even I know I'm not your looking for But I can't stop this feeling And I... don't know how ][][][ "I thought you'll never cheat?" "Am I not enough because I can't give you my virginity? Is that how can I make you happy?" "But you promised that you'll wait 'til our marriage!" "Let's break-up!" Jax unable to move his feet anymore as the crowd keeps blocking his way to Patricia. His head started to shattered by the voices he was hearing from his mind. The music is too loud, the blinking lights is hurting his eyes. He could even hear the noise of the car rumbling and beeping of the horn. ][][][ Get out in my head I thought you're already dead But you're living inside my head How can I move on ][][][ *** ]mvcabusas[ Song title: Get Out In My Head By mvcabusas

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