
Survive Or Die

another world

10 young adults that slipped into coma finds themselves in a world of horror. When one dies in this world, they die in real life. It takes 365 days for them to come back to life, only if they survive. With death knocking, who will survive and who will die?

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"Annabella." Her name echoed. "Please wake up, wake up from coma." The voice seems distortant but she realized it was her mom's voice. "Mom," She yells in tears, "Mom I don't know where I am, please save me." "Your in another world." He said. Her eyes gaze upon the figure of a man standing at the end of the hallway, who looks like a perfect example of a demon. Her heart starts to beat out of her ribcage. The hallway with rooms labelled 666, she holds the handle of one of the room door but it was locked, she goes over to the next door and the next but all were locked. "Do I scare you." The way he said that gave her chills. Tears flows freely from her eyes as she began breathing more heavily. He laughs, the sound of his laughter gave her more chills. "Why are you standing so far. Come a little closer so I can chew out your skin." "Please just go away!" She yelled. His head suddenly falls down, his body bursting, and his intestines and body parts now laying on the floor, she trys to hold back her vomit but she couldn't handle the sight of guts as she throws up heavily. She breaths a heavy sigh of relief that it's over, suddenly the head starts rolling on the floor with long vampire set of teeths. Her legs picks up race, as she starts running, into a dark hallway, her head hits the wall hard, blood pouring out, her eyes becomes dizzy as he lands on the floor. She coughs, her eyes still drowsy but she managed to open them, seeing his head in mid - air, about to devour her. As the head was about to chop off her head, she grabs it, fighting with the angry long vampire teeths. Immediately his head starts to form back to a body, in shock, she opens her mouth, almost loosing breath, still holding his head as it was forming back to normal. Suddenly, he throws up his blood and intestines into her mouth but she didn't consume all. She began vomiting more heavily while running. She stops to gather up oxygen, and turns to see him next to her, her heart jumps up. She watches his jaw tighten and his hollow eyes staring at her. "Am dying to kill you." He smiles. She intended to run but his hand caught a grip of her's, holding her hand tight, turning her to face him. Her heart begins pumping through her chest. She realizes that she's shaking. She is shaking and he's liking it, his smile told it all. If she never experienced fear, she did now. Her resolve to stay strong seemed to have slipped into oblivion. "Please don't kill me!" She crys the more. He gives a wolfish grin. He is so close that she could feel his breath fan over her face. She feels raw fear claw into her skin like never before. He moves closer, leaving absolutely no space between them. Their bodies were pressed against each other. He then cups her face, his fingers dipping into her jaw. "It's time to die." He said, pounding his hand into her face so hard that her mouth starts bleeding, thinking of a quicker way for her to die, he circles his hands around her neck as he starts to strangle her. Her eyes rolls back, a tooth falls from her bloody face to the ground. She is elbowing him but it isn't working. "Die! Die!" He said through a gritted teeth. *DID SHE LATER SURVIVE OR DIE? WILL SHE BE AMONG THE CHARACTER OF THE YOUNG ADULTS?*

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