Chapter 3: Will’s Flat-1

142 Words
Chapter 3: Will’s Flat Alec The telephone on his desk rang and Alec answered it automatically. “Wapping Police Station. Detective Inspector Carter speaking.” He dropped the official tone when he realized who it was. “What do you need, Grant? I thought you’d gone home for the night?” He sat back in his chair, the stem of the phone in his hand, and listened with increasingly raised eyebrows. Grant wasn’t usually hysterical. He didn’t sound hysterical now. Just…tense. “I’ll collect Tyler and come over. A police officer from the Outlands, eh?” Will sounded like he heard the sarcasm clearly despite the tinny telephone line and greeted it with a long-suffering sigh. “Just get here, Alec. I don’t think he’s dangerous. But I’m out of my depth. And bring that magician of yours.” “He’s not my magician. But I’ll bring him. Give me an hour.” Alec hung up with alacrity. He hated the telephone, it was just another way for people to pester him.
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