Chapter 7

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Two Months Later, Keyara's POV: I stood in the doorway of the room where Akeniah died in while giving birth to the future king of the cold ones, Ovidius (Ah-vid-ee-us). I had him wrapped up in a piece of cloth while I stood there leaning against the doorway looking at Tiberius. Tiberius hasn't been the same since that day. He hardly does anything anymore, including feeding off of me or having a bath. I haven't taken the novacila and rough stone over his face to remove the hair since that day and the hair around his face has really gotten long. He also doesn't do a lot with Ovidius. He tells me that there isn't a need for him to do anything with him right now and when the time comes, he will do what he needs to in order to get him ready to take over as King. I just stand there, looking at him as he leans against the wall, staring out the window at the bright moon in the sky. The breeze moved his robe and cloths, revealing the strength in his arms and legs. I take a deep breath before turning and walking away from the room. Ovidius appeared to be sleeping so I decided to take him back to his basket. He doesn't sleep a lot and from what Tiberius tells me, the older he gets the less he will sleep. I carefully lay him back in the basket and cover him with the cloth before walking back out. I get to the room that Tiberius was standing in and he was still in the same spot. I walk over to him and stand next to him, looking up at him as he stared out the window. The cool breeze of the wind blew across our bodies, chilling me but he didn't appear to be bothered by it. "I met her in Thrace that time I had to go out there because one of the rogue cold ones thought it was the perfect place to eat all he could just because it was a small village. He felt that he could kill everyone before the word got out." He started to tell me suddenly after a few moments of standing next to him in silence. "I got there just as he was sinking his teeth into her in front of a few men and women who were throwing rocks at him, in hopes of stopping him from killing her. There were several bodies already on the ground around him that he had already drained. I had to make it look like I was saving her but would have to go back on a different day to kill them to help prevent the spread of their tongues. I just wasn't expecting to feel what I felt when I touched her as I ripped him off of her." He told me as he continued to look outside. "What you felt?" I asked him and he nodded. "It's rare, for my kind to feel it. You will never feel it because you're a demon and a human but some of us other kinds like the wolfman can. The one that is meant to be yours, destined to be your perfect match. Akeniah was mine. She was my match, my mate. She couldn't feel it before she had my mark but I did." He told me as he looked down at me. "I had plans of saving her, making her like me so I could keep her." He added as his eyes started to get shiny. "She was my everything," He said as the water started to fall from his eyes again. I put my hands around his body and held him. He held me as he cried softly and almost silently. "Only one, that is all we get and mine is gone...forever," He said in pain. I held him for several moments before he started to calm down again and pulled away from me. I looked up at him, hoping to see that he was going to be okay but I didn't see it. He was falling apart and there wasn't anything that I could do to help him. There wasn't anything here that he was willing to continue on for. "Then why go through with the ritual?" I finally had the courage to ask. "I'm over 700 seasons old, Keyara, who knows how long it will be before another human is able to carry the royal bloodlines? The cold ones and wolfmen are already showing signs of getting stronger." He informed me. "If it wasn't for my demon blood, I would've carried the baby for you," I told him and he shook his head. "Doesn't matter, you don't have the unicorn blood and you're never going to lose your purity." He told me again even though he's told me this before, I just wanted to say something to try to help him. "Why is it so important that I stay pure?" I asked him. "To keep your demon under control." He told me and I looked up at him in surprise mixed with fear, for this is the first that I've heard that I could lose control over my demon. "Promise me, Keyara, you will never lose your purity." He told me as he turned and looked down at me. "I promise, your Majesty. I promise," I told him and he smiled as he pushed some of my hair behind my ears. --- 15 Years Later, Keyara's POV: "Tiberius!" I shouted as I ran out of the castle for the first time since I was brought here 118 seasons ago. I tried to keep up with him but he was so fast! I finally slowed down, breathing hard as I looked around to try to see or hear where he went but I couldn't find him. I shivered as the cold night air blew across my skin, causing me to take my hands and rub them quickly over my arms to try to heat them up. The cold snow and frozen water will be coming soon and the air was starting to get really cold. "Tiberius!" I shouted as loud as I could into the night but I didn't hear any response, just the sound of my voice yelling back at me. The last few seasons he's really started to get sad again. I thought he was doing better when he was training Ovidius and I thought that maybe once he moved away from here that he would do better but that way of thinking changed when I read his entries about the birth of Ovidius. It wasn't so much the events that he wrote down about, what he had done, or what had happened but what he put in after all that. What he wrote to all the future Kings. The things that he said really have me worried. The way he's practically begging the future kings to never fall in love with their humans, to stay away and leave them be once the ritual takes place. The way he's talked about his heart and how broken he has become tells me that after all of these seasons, he was never getting better as I had thought. All it was doing was hardening his heart more and keeping it broken. I knew that he was going to do something when he walked out of the castle without his sword. Most of the time he doesn't need anything to protect himself but there are a few of them out there, trolls for one, or a large pack of wolf people, would be enough to kill him if he didn't take his sword to help fend them off if they were to attack. He never goes out without it. "Tiberius!" I shouted again but then quickly closed my eyes. My demon started to appear, changing my eyes to pitch black, my claws started to form and all of my teeth become very sharp and pointy. I carefully listened and breathed in slowly as I tuned into the smell and hearing of my demon. I caught Tiberius' scent as it blew in the air around me. I opened my eyes and the dark night became clear as the rising sun. I could see everything as if the sun was high in the sky. I took off through the thick of the trees in the direction of his scent. Even with my demon, I could run just a little faster than I can as a human because I get a little added strength. Being part demon has its advantages but unfortunately, being a hybrid comes with the faults of being human. I stopped running when I saw Tiberius standing in the middle of a clearing with his hands out and looking up as if he was giving up or surrendering. I looked around but didn't see anything in the trees to give me a reason as to why he was doing what he was doing. My demon faded away, changing my eyes and claws as I walked towards Tiberius. "Your Majesty," I said when I walked up next to him. "Keyara! Get back to the castle!" He shouted at me when he saw that I had followed him. "No! Only if you come back with me!" I snapped back at him which only made him look angrier. "You're going to get yourself killed out here and I order you to go back!" He shouted as he grabbed my arm and pulled me in the direction of the castle. "And I said no! Not unless you go with me!" I shouted as I yanked my arm out of his grasp. "They're coming," He said in a warning as he looked to the side. I looked around him in the direction of where he was looking but didn't see anything or hear anything. I wasn't using my demon so I wasn't anything more than a pathetic human. "Why are they coming? Who is coming?" I asked him as he looked around. "The rogue pack, Scarlet Rose pack." He said as he turned and looked behind me. "I killed their Luna to make them seek revenge." He told me. "I killed her on purpose in front of the Alpha. She was pregnant with the first heir of the pack." He continued and my eyes widened. "Why! What were you thinking!" I snapped at him and smacked him hard in the face as he was looking away from me, causing him to look down at me. "Why would you do this!" I shouted at him as I felt the water start to fill my eyes. "Why!" I screamed at him as I hit him in the chest, causing him to grab my wrists as I started to cry harder. "Go back to the castle, Keyara. You will be safe there." He told me as he pushed me to the side. "No! You can't make me!" I shouted at him as I pushed my hands free and grabbed his arm to try to pull him but he wouldn't budge. It was like he was stuck to the ground like the roots of a tree. "Tiberius!" I shouted at him as I pulled again but he wouldn't look at me. "I love you! You're my family, my only father!" I screamed at him and he looked down at me in pain. "I can't do this anymore, Keyara, I just can't. Ovidius has taken over. There's no reason for me to be here anymore." He told me as he turned in my direction. He placed his hands on my face which was soaked with water, causing me to cry even more as I looked through my blurred eyes at him. "I'm sorry," He said as he came down and placed his lips on mine, kissing me for the first time, my very first kiss. In the middle of the kiss, I heard the rustling of the tree branches and the breaking of the sticks and leaves on the ground as they got closer. I could hear the rumble of the pack as they ran through the thick forest in our direction. "Please forgive me," He said into the kiss just as he lifted me off of the ground and threw me away from him. I screamed as my body flew through the air just as the pack leaped into the air and attacked him. My body hit the hard ground, scraping up my skin on the broken branches. I cried out in pain as the twigs ripped my skin. I could hear the growls of the wolfmen and the hissing pain of Tiberius. I looked over at the clearing and saw the wolfmen attacking him, biting at him and scratching their long claws over his body, shredding his cloths to pieces and exposing his body to them. He just let them, not once did he try to stop them from ripping him apart. He wanted them to kill him! "Tiberius!" I screamed in pain as I watched them rip his body apart. I couldn't stop my eyes from filling up with water and crying. My heart was breaking as I watched them tear him to shreds. I was crying so hard that I didn't even realize when they had stopped ripping him apart and were looking right at me until the sounds stopped and they started to walk in my direction. They were growling with blood and drool dripping from their mouths. Even though I hadn't done anything to them, the fact that I was here with him and obviously cared for him, was enough for them to feel that they needed to attack me. I felt my demon start to appear as my claws grew and my eyes changed. I saw on some of the faces of the wolfmen that they feared me because of confusion of what I was while a few others looked forward to the challenge of taking down a demon. One of them leaped in the air at me. I knelt down as they were in the air, forcing them to be higher than me, and raised my claws in the air. My claws caught the soft underbelly of the wolfman and sliced through, spilling his blood and insides all over the forest ground. I was hit hard by another wolfman who tried to claw at me. Before another one was able to jump in to help attack me, the one over me was thrown off and into a tree. I looked over and saw Ovidius ripping the pack of wolfmen apart with his bare hands. I felt cold and weakened by the s***h marks over my body that were heavily bleeding, causing me to lie down on the ground and close my eyes.
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