Chapter 9

2695 Words

Keyara's POV: "Keeya!" King Titus shouted again through the corridor as I ran up the stone steps. "I'm coming, your Majesty!" I hollered as I ran down the corridor in the direction of his voice. I opened the large doors to the room his scent took me to, only to stop quickly in my step when I saw him standing with his arm stretched out from his body holding Livius off of his feet by his neck in front of the large fireplace that held a blazing fire. Young Prince Atticus Julius Hockins of ten seasons old stood next to his father, Titus with a large grin on his face. Even at the age of ten seasons, Atticus was taller and stronger than I am. He's been stronger for at least five seasons now. "Did you think I wouldn't ever find out? That I didn't know even with all of that awful floral scents

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