Season 2: Darkness Within

2113 Words
UNKNOWN A Red Lamborghini drove into the scene where Multiple Armed Men dwelled, Terrorists and Bandits Together halted immediately they saw that Red Lamborghini, All Armed Men emerged from the buildings inside that Zone. The Lamborghini Halted and A Young Black Haired man who was putting on Red Jacket and Black Jeans, All the Armed Men smiled immediately they saw the man, Their long lost General is back but what they didn't know is that it was a Possessed General that is in their premises. " General Khan, It's good to see you.. Four ten days you have been missing and we all have been waiting patiently for your return and we are happy, Just tell us who Attacked or kidnapped you and we will take care of them " A Higher Commander uttered in respect and The Man who was recognized to be General Khan smirked. " Who told you that I was Kidnapped or Attacked Huh? I was Never Kidnapped but I decided not to show my face because I was Planning something nice, Something powerful that will make this World Mine.. Something unimaginable " General Khan said with pride as he advanced into the Great Gigantic Building filled with surveillance cameras and Securities. " And What may that Be General Khan " Commander whose name was Alonso asked and General Khan Smirked, He has Two Brutal Commanders and they are Bernard and Alonso who were trained in the US Army And they were now National Terrorists. " For Years we have been Working side to side with the Alaskan Agency, I have Plans and it's high time they start working for me, I need to have Many More Armies and Send Messages to all Mafias in Sunnydale that they must bow before me or they die " General Khan said and the Two Commanders nodded. " Send Everybody Outside, I need Only the three of Us here " General Khan Ordered and the Commanders nodded, The Commanders sent all the Armed Men and Gangstas leaving only Khan, Bernard and Alonso. " This is a New World, Darkness Within the Cosmos, I Have Plans and My Plans is to turn all My Men into Mutants but I need your helps, But before you Help me.. I need to grant you two Great Powers that are Beyond You Mortals Reach " General Khan said and his body caught Ablaze as he approached the already scared Commanders. " Fear not for this is a new Me, A New History and I don't need to be Working with insignificant Mortals like you Two, I need to Change you two " General Khan said and he Teleported himself to the Back of Bernard and Alonso. " Alaragira! " Khan Chanted and He Touched his Burning hands on the shoulders of The Two Commanders, The right Hand on Bernard and the left on Alonso and they Screamed out but their bodies didn't burn. After Ten Minutes Of Screams And Wails, The Two Commanders stood up from the Floor with Burning eyes which sparked with blue lightning, Fangs Sprouted out from their Mouths and Also Claws... General Khan Smirked. " It's Time Heralds, I need you to bring me the Orb of Darkness, It is Located in Sunnydale and We will be Heading there tomorrow but The Orb of Darkness Has the Only Powers to share to a Thousand Warriors.... I need Mutants From Darkness and You all will bring that Orb to me.. Is that Clear? " General Khan asked and they nodded. " For When the Right Time Shall Come Ryjack shall Wield the Gems of Time, Reality, Powers and Elements, He will be all Powerful and I shall Wield the Anti Body and Also shall I wield the Anti Life That I may Destroy all Multiversal beings and Absorbing their powers will make me Undefined " General Khan said and his Eyes glowed. " But For the Mean time, Let Me Wander around and Oh I forgot that I have a son, Lemme see who he really is and How Powerful he is to be frankly speaking, Let the god of fire play a little before the real War begins " General Khan said and he sat on the General sit with pride. RYJACK'S ABODE Ryjack Emerged from the source Wall with pride and the reality stone on his Chest Glowed, Derak Bowed before Ryjack with respect and Fear as he was Ryjack Herald and Ryjack was focusing on him than the other four Heralds he Created immediately he was Free from the seal Two Months ago. " Derak do you want to know why I dwell in the source Wall? Do you want to know why I Cherish you the most? Well that's Because you are special, I tapped into My Wife's powers in the underworld and I made a Connection to the underworld and You... You have the powers to summon any dead Cosmos and That's what I just from you now.. I need you to bring the Forgotten Brothers " Ryjack said and Derak Smiled. " Long Live the Great One for I shall do what you ask me to do, But Master the Forgotten Brothers are Personification from Beyond, Killed By Archangel Michael with his Sword, They are Called the Forgotten because They are Dreaded and Once Summoned Can Create Unbalance to the World " Derak said and Ryjack nodded. " Of course my Herald, I know what I am doing, The Connection that made me like this isn't a Ordinary One, I made the Connection Strong that It will never Create an Imbalance, At least not for now because I have plans for everything...Now bring them back to life " Ryjack Ordered and Derak bowed. " Arise thee of Knowledge and Cosmos, I Derak Shall bring forth the Forgotten Brothers from the underworld and They shall bow Before Me Master Ryjack, Recterie Vilanpos delvie " Derak Chanted and the Ground Vibrated vigorously. Two Dark Hands Sprouted out of The Ground and Derak stepped Back with smiles, An Ugly Bat Headed demon with Dragon wings bowed before Ryjack and Another Bat headed Dragon wings Demons Emerged from the Ground and The Two Hideous Bat Demons Bowed before Ryjack and Derak who smirked. " This is Wonderful, Summoned From the Underworld without Creating Unbalance is what Amused us, Ten Thousand Years We have been trapped in the underworld after been slaughtered by the blade of Micheal... But why are we here and bowing before this unknown figure " One of the Bat demon said and they both changed their skin into Human Skin and but they were still Ugly but They had Human Form. " I don't know Bro " The Second Man said and they both tilted their gaze to Ryjack Who was standing close to the source Wall and they both smirked immediately they saw the source wall and Ryjack, They Knew that Ryjack risked his body to create Bounds with the underworld. " So good to meet the Dreaded Ryjack Who was trapped by his own Creation, The Creator of Magic but your l**t Made you weak Ryjack, What makes the Forgotten brothers so special that you had to free us " The First Forgotten Brother said. " I want you To bow before me, The Forgotten Brothers have Existed Long Ago before Ryjack was Created You know, There Are things that I want you two to do for me, And that is to Begin the Rampaging Attack on Sunnydale, The Gentility of Villains in sunnydale is to much, I have things that will Make all the Heroes know that I am here....I have special Plans for you and The Terror is about to start " Ryjack smirked and the Two Brothers bowed before Ryjack. UNKNOWN Sky Could be seen Sitting on the sofa in his Mansion while Hannabel Could be seen operating a Laptop in front of her while she was sitted on the dinner table with Glass of wine beside her and The rest of the Clan warriors. " We found Three dead bodies of Werewolves in the bushes, All Shot in the head and that's the technique, We still don't know what to do Sky " One of the Warriors spoke out but Sky wasn't listening. " Just a touch Shocked me, I have that unknown Connection to him, Who is he? " Sky asked himself while the rest were dumbfounded, Hannabel Broadly smiled immediately she was done with the Computer.. She has Completed whatever she was doing. " Sky I have succeeded in Hacking all Devices in Sunnydale and I just Figured out that three Agencies are still Existing in sunnydale while the rest are dead, Star Agency! Aquarium Underground Agency and Alaskan Agency... This are the only Existing Agencies and I can't hack into their systems Because it is Encrypted with Virus.. My Computer will be Filled with Deadly Virus if I still Continue in trying to hack it down " Hannabel said and she faced Sky. " That's it, Either Alaskan Agency or Star has hand in the killing of the supernaturals, Aquarium is known to be the Ocean Lord Base and A Hero can't Kill His kind, We need to know were the Phantom Lord Agency is... He is going to pay " Sky gnashed his teeths in anger. " What about Getting The Brandon's to work for us, They are also Brilliant and Extremely rich, They can sponsor whatever we do but We need to find out if they love supernaturals or hate them, They are our Only Option in Tracking The Agencies down because they are popular " Sky stated and they all nodded. DIVINE ABODES A Large Red Glowing Box Could be seen at the Center of An Unknown Temple filled with Golden Drawings and Runes, A Red Portal Appeared and an Hooded Man Emerged from it, It was that same Hooded man that Wiped out the Phantom Lord memories concerning that War against Gaap. " Fate how is Everything going? " A Glorious Voice Asked from the red Glowing Box, The Hooded Man Halted and He took off the Hood Revealing his Glowing Face with Blue Glowing Eyes but his Face had a Scar on it. " They Have Been Connected My Friend, The Phantom lord memories wasn't easy to be erased but I did it for them not to reunite after Gaap was defeated, Phantom Lord powers are deeply of the dark... I don't know how he got that Massive Powers Because he was once a Mortal but now an Immortal " The Hooded Figure who was now Recognize to be Fate. " I Have Been Trapped in this Box By My Sons Called Brother the Ancient one, He is in slumber and When I will be free shall he be Awake to stop me but what he didn't know is that we all have been pawns in the Games Of The Ultimate Destroyer except for me... I will be free and I shall Possess my true body in the Mortal World and All gods that took Part in the Murder will surely be erased " The Voice from the Box said and Fate was confused. " Oh Hail the Great Apolcalyspe, I Am Confused about what you said, You said that we all have been pawns in the Games of The destroyer, I never took Part because I am not a deity but the Fate of the won't just understand but explain that word to me " Fate demanded and the Voice Laughed. " For Long has Thou all Been Deceived, He May be Dead But his mind is in this World, He is Watching us all For years But Unknown to all, His Body, Soul and Spirit which is in This World makes him watchful... He is an Elder god and We are all his Essences... Don't underestimate the one who we were formed from him, He is not Called the Ultimate Destroyer for No Reason, He is the ultimate Destroyer Because he is the ultimate one.. That's all I have to say and Have you Completed the Conquest? " The Voice Asked. " No I haven't Completed it but I have reached Round Four of it, Ryjack wants the Three Gems and he already Has the Reality Gem with him, The Fire god has been free and the Forgotten Brothers are Alive " Fate said and laughter Erupted from the Box. " Be Calm My Very Friend, Let them be for they are all Playing the Games Brought to them by The Ultimate Destroyer.. He Knows everything from the Very beginning "
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