
1599 Words
. . . In a plane world Beyond the Existence of humanity and planetry beings, Ten golden beings with golden wings stood in the sky with their wings flapping around, Micheal, Rapheal were leading the ten angels. Just then Neron appeared with the Five Laws of Sin behind him, He approached the 12 golden Archangels that are always ready and prepared to wage war against their enemies, Immediately Neron got closer. He stretched his hands and gave Micheal an handshake, Micheal smiled at Neron but growled at the Five Laws of Sin, The Five Laws of Sin were once an Headache to him and his legions of great angels and it took about thirty angels to bring down the Five Laws of Sin, a very big Threat if they are in full power. " Look who is here, Neron the terrible " Micheal spoke out. " I am here to apologize for my mistake, I know what I did and what I am about to unleash but I have a way to stop it without too many casualties, Thousands from the Ten Dimensions will die but humanity and planetry beings won't be Erased from Existence " Neron said. " Because of the New Reality, you made it easier for Lord Doom to gain control over all the Supernatural Kingd including the Silver wolf Oscar, all are planning on bringing down Existence without mercy " Rapheal said. " Like I said Rapheal, I am sorry " " And how do you plan on stopping your creation? Uriel is still under the Punishment for his mistakes and we don't have full access into the worlds, How will the New Reality be stopped if you can't stop it now? " Micheal asked. " I made the New Reality kinda Nigh Omnipotent and it is difficult to be destroyed, but it is created by the darkest magic that I have ever created, And the only way to stop the New Reality is to Awaken the Dark Trinity " Neron said. Immediately Micheal heard the word Dark Trinity, He growled in anger while Rapheal gritted his teeths in anger, Who don't know the Arch Lords of Darkness, The Wreckers of Angels and they provoked the Creator to be damn furious. " How? Why must be awaken the worst of them all, The Dark Trinity resurrection might end Existence because they hated life itself, They will continue the works of the New Reality " Micheal said and Neron smiled. " You all are seeing the New Reality symptoms as it changes ones lifestyle and everything, It makes good evil and evil good but that's not all, When the New Reality reaches its peak, It creates a being on its own and enslaves everyone to him " " You don't really know what you are dealing with, We will deal with the Dark Trinity later but the Dark Trinity are the Arch Lords of Darkness, They recreated Reality of their own but it was never used, They can manipulate and change everything " Neron said. " Fine, how would we Awaken them? " Rapheal asked. " Leave that to the Prophecy, Armageddon is about to be Awakened and when he is Awakened, You will know what to do next, But for now...I have a plan to rewrite the fate of Uriel and bring him back to being a commander " Neron stated. ??? Protector's Realm??? In a great hall which is located at the center of the palace, Smith and Felix could be seen training together with their weapons while Breca is spotted meditating while floating on the air, whole the rest were eating when they suddenly felt a presence before them. Breca opened his eyes after sensing the darkness, He looked up to see Becky advancing towards them with smiles, They all paused to great her with happiness but Breca frowned at her like she is an outcast. " It's a good thing that we all are together, We fought the demon Esthusia and rescued our friend Smith from his mind control, Together we will wage war against the villians and we will Destroy our enemies like never before " Becky said. " And Smith, the clan demands your presence " Becky added and she turned to face Breca, She sensed something is wrong because of the eyes Breca used in glaring at her, She knew something has happened " Mr Breca, is anything the problem because I don't know why you are staring at me like that, If you have any beef with me, Can you kindly tell me and I will amend my ways " Becky asked and Breca nodded with smiles on his face. " I don't have any hatred towards you but I have this deep hatred for villians and I can sense them, I sensed one Villian here but I don't really know who that fool is, I am only informing you of this " Breca said and Becky smiled. " Very well then, Keep on sensing what you are sensing Mister Breca, The world is ending and it's only the smartest ones survive, Let's hope we survive to the end to tell The tales to our generations " Becky said and she walked away. Immediately she walked out of the training hall, she walked pass many doors until she got to her bedroom, She unlocked the door with her fingers and she entered into her room and shut the door immediately. After she heard no movements whatsoever, She mumbled inaubliy, Her eyes glowed green and an unknown green door appeared before her, She entered into the door and she found herself in the Leviathans cage. She could hear the loud screams of the Leviathans, Their chains are slowly getting weaker because of the New Reality, Becky passed through many Leviathans until she entered the realm where their king is trapped. Immediately she entered the realm, She smiled as she sighted the King kneeling on the other, She approached the Leviathans King and she bowed before him with great honor and respect, The King smirked. " Katarra, why are you here? " The King asked, His barritone voice caused the realm to shake vigorously, The Dark auras thickened as the King opened his red glowing eyes to see the people that entered his realm of b*****e. " Just as I promised Darkness, I will be partners with you until you are free to start the war against the Host of Heavens, Lily the Darkness wants a second war that will fully awaken her from her sleep " Katarra answered. " So you hide as Mother Protector to trick them into believing you, but someone has already known that you are evil like me, I want you to kill Breca " The King of the Leviathans ordered with his voice carrying authority. " How do you know his name? " Katarra asked. " Breca Is the future god of magics after Ryjack's defeat and he will also be an heavy threat to be stopped, He has a feeling of you being bad and he won't rest until you are exposed, I need his body dropped " The King ordered. " I don't take orders from you King of Leviathans, we are only partners because Lily the Darkness says so and I work for her, I am here to give you a useful information and I still need the help of those worthless heroes to bring down my enemy " Katarra said. " One day you will realize that he needs to die, And by the way...Tell me what this news is all about, You only have two minutes before the guards arrive here to bring you down and chain you like the rest of us " The King said. " The Demon's Head Ring has being found, but we now have a problem, There is a New Demon's Head, He now possesses the powers of the Demon's Head and he summon all the two hundred demon species " Katarra said and The King gritted his teeths in anger. " You must not fail me and Lily the Darkness, On the day of the Dark Trinity awakening, You must kill the Child of Light and you shall be granted powers to enter into any world without being noticed " " We need to Destroy Everything and restart life as the Ultimate commanders " ♌♌♌ Unknown ♌♌♌ Rick is spotted standing on a mountain top with the Gigganormal by his left and Rojo by his right, The Demon's Head Ring glowed and that caused five great Lords to appear before Rick, Rick sensed their presence and faced them. " You sent for us your lordship? " One of the Lords asked and Rick nodded, Rick stretched forth his right hand and a staff appeared on his hand, He stamped the staff on the ground which caused the ground to vibrate as it got divided. Hands started sprouting out of the ground, In less than two minutes...The entire valley is being flooded by minor and Vicious monsters, Rick caused the staff to vanish and he smirked, He looked down to see the monsters. " Without having the full powers of the Demon's Head Ring, I can create all this battalions of Monsters, the first Demon's Head is the Master of of Underworld and we are going to bring him to his knees and I am going to behead him " Rick said... " Get your men and weapons ready O ye demons, we shall attack the Underworld at dawn, Their Master must die!!!! "
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