Chapter 7

1211 Words

The thought of meeting Dave had suddenly lost its appeal as I slithered out of the office as quietly as I had sneaked in. The maid came panting, meeting me halfway on my journey back to my room, an alarmed look on her face. "Oh. Here you are", she rested her hands on her knees, crouched slightly while taking large gulps of air. "You left so abruptly that I feared something bad may have befallen you. Alpha Dave will have my head", she sighed. My mind was still a jumbled mess after witnessing Dave with Freya but no matter how much I tried to see reasons, it had always resulted right back to the beginning. "I'm sorry for worrying you. It wasn't my intention", I managed to let out an apology, needing some space to properly think. "No. I should've been more cautious" "I need to sleep so y

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