Chapter Sixteen: Before the Thunder

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Elise made her way back to the guild hall late on Agronsday morning feeling well rested and ready to take on whatever training Ichigo had planned for them. It was also the first opportunity she was going to have to display her new troubadour abilities, though she did bring her bow with her just in case they needed it. She tied Hissabelle up on one of the posts by the front porch, hopped up the steps to the front door of the guild hall, and popped her head in, brightening when she caught sight of her party. They were gathered in the sitting area in front of the hearth, and waved her over. “Ellie! Good news. Jasper has agreed to join our party.” Ichigo said, smiling warmly as he motioned to their new acquisition. Jasper was small, even shorter than Pita had been, with the thin, weedy build not uncommon to younger mages - who generally filled out as they got older and more desk bound. She had long, fiery red hair that was tied back into a tight, high ponytail, a freckled narrow face with eyes that were magnified by the round glasses that she wore. Her thick, arched eyebrows gave her otherwise delicate features a serious slant. Typical of her class, she wore long robes - though his were just a touch too long. Ellie thought there was a good chance the wizard might trip on them, but decided that Ichigo would be a better person to point that out. After all, the catton cleric was well versed in long billowing robes, and their various foibles. Elise knew better than to underestimate their new party member’s abilities just based on her appearance; she might look weak, but if wizards were famous for any one thing, it was their ability to blow s**t up. The troubadour’s little trick with the explosive arrow was nothing compared to the absolute havoc this bespectacled, scholarly young woman could wreak with nothing more than a wave of her wand. She was even pretty sure there was a song about that...something about great balls of fire, maybe? The troubadour would have to look into that at some point; one of her goals was to line up theme songs for the whole party. “We’re going to stick close to Pounce today. Make use of the training grounds that we spent so much money improving. I want to get an idea of what all Jasper can do...and I think most of us have picked up a few tricks recently.” Ichigo said as he headed toward the door. “Let’s just have some fun today.” Mercenades grinned at this. “You’re speaking my language, Ichi.” The party members shuffled outside after their party leader. Elise smiled and leaned closer to Jasper, offering her a hand. “Welcome to the party. I’m so glad to have you.” Jasper looked up in surprise at the troubadour, then took her hand when she finally saw it being offered, shaking vigorously. “Oh, uhm, thank you! I...I can’t believe I got recruited to this guild, and now I’m in your party too! You’re so cool-” Elise laughed, letting her hand slip from the young woman’s hand as she gave her a pat on the shoulder. “I’m a lot less cool than you think I am, I promise. Rumors of my coolness have been greatly exaggerated.” “This is true, you should hear her terrible puns. I thought being a troubadour would improve your humor.” Echo said, smirking a little when the troubadour bristled at him. “Troubadours are balladeers and poets, Echo.” Elise said, her voice coming out a bit more tart than she’d meant it to. “Not comedians.” They had reached the training grounds as Elise made this statement. Hearing the bit of tension in the troubadour’s voice, Ichigo decided to put an end to their bickering by saying, “Then why don’t you show us what a troubadour can do, Ellie?” “With pleasure.” Elise said, snorting a bit as she stepped onto the sandy ground of the ring. Elise’s guitar, which had been slung over her back, appeared in her hand as she held it out. She looked over at the others, who were standing around the railing that rimmed the round pit of the training grounds.  “I hope y’all are ready for the show.” Elise said, grinning as electricity crackled from the strings, lighting up the mother of pearl inlay in the body of her weapon, along with her eyes - which sparked blue green as the power ran through her arm and into her body. As she brought the guitar closer and struck the first power cord, lightning ran in a long line in front of the troubadour. The guitar wailed with the electrified sound of the guitar as a trail of blackened glass sizzled its way to the straw target she’d been aiming for. It exploded in a flash of blinding light. There was an echoing boom of thunder, and as the party’s vision cleared they could see all that was left was half a charred post that used to hold a straw dummy. Elise continued to play, her fingers flashing across the strings in a raucous rock and roll solo that ran completely contrary to the popular image of the troubadour. She even stuck her tongue out a little as she nodded along with her own music. The sand started swirling up into a series of three little dust devils that obscured the field in front of her. She turned around to face them as the electricity died away, along with the swirling motes of wind, the sand sinking back down into the pit. The troubadour hadn’t stopped playing, though. She had just changed how she was playing. She smiled as she finally gave them all what they’d been expecting. Elise played a sweeping ballad, her lilting voice tugging at their hearts - forcing them to look her way - though they couldn’t actually understand what she was singing. She’d taken on an ethereal appearance, her skin sparkling faintly, curly hair floating gently around her as she strummed and sang. In fact, Ichigo found himself inexplicably drawn toward her. She was magnetic. He wanted her more than he’d wanted anything in his life. Eventually, the troubadour lifted her right hand away from the guitar, letting it fall silent. When she placed her pointer finger against the catton’s lips, he came back to himself. He’d been leaning down as if to kiss her, and scrambled back at her touch, nearly tripping over his long robes. Mercenades caught him, as she’d been standing only a little ways behind him.  “W-what...was that?” Ichigo sputtered. Then, he looked around and saw that most of the party had climbed into the ring, and looked vaguely confused. Echo, however, seemed to have resisted the effect of the last song the troubadour played. The rogue was leaning against the railing, smiling with amusement. "Très charmante, mon chou. So your charisma has improved after all.”
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