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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN IMPROVEMENT IN HEALTH AND SPIRITS — FELICITY OF THE TYPEES—THEIR ENJOYMENTS COMPARED WITH THOSE OF MORE ENLIGHTENED COMMUNITIES — COMPARATIVE WICKEDNESS OF CIVILIZED AND UNENLIGHTENED PEOPLE — A SKIRMISH IN THE MOUNTAIN WITH THE WARRIORS OF HAPPAR DAY after day wore on, and still there was no perceptible change in the conduct of the islanders towards me. Gradually I lost all knowledge of the regular recurrence of the days of the week, and sunk insensibly into that kind of apathy which ensues after some violent outburst of despair. My limb suddenly healed, the swelling went down, the pain subsided, and I had every reason to suppose I should soon completely recover from the affliction that had so long tormented me. As soon as I was enabled to ramble about the valley in c

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