Chapter 9

2034 Words
Colter's POV We had called packs well into the night and no one had seen anything. We had called within a five-hour radius. I can’t imagine that she was further than that. I slammed my fist down in frustration. How did this girl slip out so quickly and there is no trace of her? My wolf was going to drive me mad if we didn’t find her soon. “Go to bed. It’s late and we can’t do anything else tonight.” I told both Mac and Noah. They just nodded their heads at me and got up to leave. Mac got to the door and turned to look at me and said “we will find her. I am not sure why you are so adamant on finding her, but we will I promise.” He walked out the door and closed it behind him. As soon as they were far enough away, and I was sure they couldn’t hear anything, I walked to my desk and flipped it over in anger. Grey was pushing to the surface. He was angry, he wanted this girl. “Grey, you want out for a run?” “Yes, I need to get out some anger.” I walked out of my office and went to the tree line and took my clothes off and quickly called Grey forward. He was gone before his paws hit the ground. He was running at full speed through the forest. He dodged tress and jumped over fallen logs. I let him do his thing, he needed it right now. We came to a clearing in the forest, and you could see the moon. It was shining bright tonight. Grey stopped to appreciate it and let out a long loud howl. It sounded like he was in pain. “Buddy, you, ok?” I asked him. “No, we need to find her. I can’t be without her.” “What is your obsession with her?” “I don’t know, I just know we have to find her.” He cut our link and took off running again. I sat back and left him alone. He ran all night and finally came to a stop at a little pond we had at the back end of the territory, and we watched the sun rise. This was so far back that not many people came here. I however loved it. It was peaceful and serene. “Grey, we need to head back. I have to start work soon.” He got up and started to head back to the pack house. He went at a slow run. It was going to take us a while at this rate, but I was ok with that. We finally made it back to where my clothes were, and he gave me control back and I shifted back to me and threw my clothes on. I headed to the pack house and straight to my office to check my messages to see if anyone had gotten a hold of me about Alexa. I walked into my office and found Mac cleaning up the mess from my desk. “Hey man, I will take care of that later.” “No, you won’t, you will have an Omega do it. Plus, I am almost done.” I helped him finish and we flipped my desk back over and put everything back on it. I pulled up my laptop and opened my email. I only had one new email, from her father. What the hell has he done now. I clicked it to open the email and what I saw had me seeing red. He had sent out another missing flyer but this time he added a ten-thousand-dollar reward for her return. Not even her safe return, just a simple return. I turned the computer so that Mac could see it. His eyes got big and then I could see the anger cross his face. “Why in the f**k would he do that?” “I don’t know but I am about to find out.” I got my phone out of my desk and turned it on and brought up his phone number and hit send. It rang four times before he answered. “Did you find her Alpha Colter?” “Are you f*****g kidding me, did I find her? No, I didn’t f*****g find her and why are you offering a reward for her return? Not even a safe return. That is going to bring out all of the f*****g weirdo’s looking for her and goddess only knows what they will do to her.” “I really don’t care, so long as she is brought back, and we can finish our alliance.” I was done talking to him. I threw my phone across the room and started pacing. “Mac, I am going to kill that man. He didn’t care how she was returned, just so long as she was and that we could finish our alliance.” “WHAT?” He screamed. “Ya, my thoughts exactly. I can’t wait to get my hands on that vile man. I will kill him, mark my words.” “I am going to go out and have Amanda get you a new phone and we can go back to calling people.” Mac said. I followed him out but headed to my floor to take a shower and then I was going to get some food. When I got to my room, I found Lauren waiting for me in my bed. She must have been here all night because she was sound asleep. I walked over and ripped my blankets back and saw that she was completely naked. I kicked the bed to get her to wake up. “Hey, you need to leave. You are not supposed to be up here.” She rolled over and gave me lazy sleepy eyes. She had definetly been sound asleep and here all night. “I waited all night for you. I thought maybe we could have some fun.” “No, you need to leave. I am going to shower, and you better be gone when I get out.” I turned the water on and got out of my clothes. I stepped under the hot water and just let it run down my body. It felt amazing. It was helping me relieve some stress that was built up in my body. After an ungodly amount of time in the shower I finally got out and when I stepped out of my room, I saw that Lauren actually listened and left. I went to my closet and got some clothes. Once I was dressed, I headed downstairs to get some food and much needed coffee. When I got down there, I found Mac had a huge plate of food and was shoveling it in as fast as he could. I fixed my plate and went and sat down by him. "Dude, you're going to choke slow down." He just shrugged his shoulders at me and kept piling the food in. We finished and I went to my office. I had a brand-new phone laying on my desk charging. I turned it on and waited to see if I had any messages. I had one text from Julian. He's a good friend who lives about six hours away. I am sure he wants to know more about Alexa's flyer since I am much closer in distance than him. I will call him later. I finished eating and cleared my dishes and went back to my office. I opened my email to see if there was anything else that had come in but there wasn’t. I hated this feeling. I didn’t know where else to look or what else to do. I could send scouts out, but we have nowhere to start looking. I can’t send them out blindly. I decided to call Julian and see what he wanted. I picked up the phone and found him in my contacts list and hit send. It rang and rang and rang and his voicemail picked up. I hung up and sent him a text, telling him to call me back. I pulled up my pack paperwork that I needed to get done. I couldn’t neglect them just because my wolf wouldn’t stop with this girl. He was going to drive me nuts. I managed to get a few hours of work when someone started knocking at my door. “Come in.” I yelled. Noah opened my door and closed it behind him. “What's up Noah?” “I just finished training for the day and wanted to see if you had heard anything about the girl.” “Her dad sent out another email offering ten thousand dollars for her return.” I told him. “What an i***t!” “Ya, that is my thought also.” “Why don’t we go get some drinks after dinner tonight. I know we could all use it.” “That actually sounds great.” With that he left my office and allowed me to get back to my paperwork. I had my hands in enough different business that it kept my pack living comfortably. I was able to employ most people from my pack in my businesses and the others I could employ here and still be able to pay them. I finished up my paperwork and skipped eating dinner and went to my room to shower and get ready for tonight. I took a quick shower and dressed in dark blue jeans and a white button up shirt. I rolled up my sleeves to my elbows and put on a pair of black boots. I grabbed my wallet and my keys and headed back downstairs. I found Mac and Noah waiting for me. “Ready guys, I’ll drive.” They followed me out to the garage, and we all got into the SUV that I unlocked. I pulled out and headed down the driveway. It was about a twenty-minute drive to the bar. I know we were early but all of us had to be up early tomorrow and besides werewolves could drink a lot and not get drunk. We metabolized it quickly. We all piled out when we got there and went inside. We had a usual table there. So, we just walked in and sat down. The waitress brought over our usual order and left us quickly. “What are you going to do Colter, I mean about the girl?” Asked Mac “I don’t know, for some reason my wolf is demanding that we find her. He is so bad that I can’t stop thinking about it. I need to find her.” “What are you going to do when you find her?” Noah asked. “Thats one of my other problems. I wanted to make her an Omega and make her work hard. It’s all I can do to get some form of revenge for my parents. I can’t beat her, that’s not my style but something tells me I won’t be able to even do that.” “Could she be your mate?” Noah asked. “No, way. I would know that wouldn’t I?” “Not necessarily. You haven’t seen her face to face yet.” Mac said. I changed the topic of conversation because I couldn’t talk about her anymore, it was just upsetting my wolf. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket but chose to ignore it. We were all having a good time just visiting and I didn’t want to interrupt that. I can handle whatever it is tomorrow. If it was important pack business, I would get a mind link. My phone vibrated again, this time with a text. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it. I had a text from Julian. "Hey man, called you back, we really need to talk." I really didn't want to leave these guys right now. We were having a good time. I will try him again tomorrow.
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