28: The Past and Present

1675 Words

Phoebie's eyes sparkled mischievously as Bel walked into the kitchen the next morning. “So... Aunty Em's in a good mood this morning..” She teased, hiding her smirk behind her cup of coffee. Bel's expression however, remained solemn. He poured his own coffee and then came to sit at the table, staring at Phoebie in silence for several long moments, until she began to squirm. “Uncle... Bel?” She asked nervously. Suddenly the urge to flee struck her hard and the college basement incident hit her full force. The Demon stepping from the shadows, all reason lost, intent on taking the energy it needed from Phoebie, one way or another. The intent expression, the predator in its eyes, much like what she was seeing in Bel's eyes right now. “I visited young Phoebie this morning.” Bel rema

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