11.Sara Impressed

1549 Words
Sara as usual woke up in Arav's arms who already reading Economics news on his phone. Hey, Sara Good morning he put his phone beside and hugged her. Sara wishes herself in her heart, all days of her life should be started like this. She smiled and said come on let's get ready to work. Arav said after I saw you completely forget about my workout schedule so come on let's do some workout before we go office he said that with a smile. Sara enthusiastically said ok come on let's do work out they both hit the gym room and got sweat out.  Sara looks at the Arav well builder perfect body and wondered. If he hit someone with his one arm that person can't get up for his lifetime. That strong his muscles. She thought herself aww how masculine this Arav. While she deep in her thoughts. Arav finished his workout and called Sara then she came back to her sense and asked Arav are you really only for me. He impressed by her words and came close to her and took her into his broad chest and said with a gentle smile in his face, what doubt in that I'm only for my Sara. Sara laughed and said yes zero sharing then she asked you always to be the same as this to me.  He said No sometimes I became beast Infront of this beautiful girl without stopping he giggled her and Sara laughed and shouted, stop it Arav. Arav carried her in his arm like a child.   In front of him Sara's appearance small and soft so just like that always he carries her in his arms. They got ready and had breakfast while Anna reminds him of his today's schedules and meetings. Arav Day was a little busy today he was about to go outside for client meetings so he informed that to Sara and told her to have lunch on time without waiting for him. When they both reached the 36th floor Sara came out and waved bye to Arav and went to employees' elevator. Anna who was speaking with Peter saw Sara and ran to her and asked, Sara we are going out with Boss for meeting today you can take care of yourself from your fan followers right? she teased her. Sara smiled and said hopefully. Anna looks at Sara who standing in Infront of her in a beautiful short black lace dress with high heels and ponytailed hair.  Anna laughed and said in a teasing tone. I don't feel so, Sara you looking stunning in this black dress better take leave and rest in penthouse otherwise any of these men's will gobble you. Sara laughed and said stop it don't tease me, Anna. I'm leaving bye you better go and help your Boss. Sara left in the employees' elevator. Arav who saw this all from his cabin but didn't interfere in their discussion because he was busy in some phone call. Peter asked Anna what you talking with our Mam this long he asked curiously. Anna smiled and said nothing much peter I told our mam to stay safe from his fan followers. Peter who already knows about this from internal forum posts, laughed and said you are right Anna actually our Mam needs some personal bodyguard it seems. They both burst in to laugh. When Sara reached the third floor Sam and Joe who already standing outside loudly said woww Sara what special today you looking stunning. Because both of there comment all eyes fall on her. Sara went close to them and said Sam, Joe you both are the really unreasonable better you both try to save me instead of dragging me into any controversies. Joe and Sam laughed and said ok we are under your service But you should eat lunch with us today. she thought Arav Anna also not there to have lunch with her. so she said ok to them.  She went to her place and settled and sent a message to Arav about her lunch plan with Sam and joe after she received ok from Arav. She started to do her work.  She was very careful about not catching anyone's attention but even though someone took her picture while she casually biting her pen in mouth and scrolling her laptop mouse on other hand and posted with the caption as "Beauty In Black Today". She was busy with her work so she didn't notice anything but when lunchtime came Sam and joe came to her and said wow Sara again you became a hot topic in our internal forum they laughed. She immediately took her phone out and saw and asked helplessly who doing this all Sam. she really got upset. Sam said ok come on it happens when you are looking extremely beautiful they laughed.  She said you guys go I'm not in the mood of having lunch outside. Sam and Joe didn't give up her somehow they convinced her and finally took her to the office cafeteria. When she entered the cafeteria it's already lunchtime so many people's there. Most of their eyes fall on her which made her even more uneasy. She yelled herself in her heart for coming to the cafeteria and thought herself seriously is am looking that attractive. while she deep in her thoughts. Already Sam and joe bought meals for them and came. When they settle down and about to have their lunch Edwin came towards Sara and said hey Sara darling which made her really irritating. Jagapri and Elena who saw this all from two tables next from Sara thought of teaching her lesson and came towards Edwin and said you know what Edwin Don't believe beautiful women. This Sara daily after office time going to the 36th floor directly doesn't know she seducing who there in CEO team they started to bad mouth about her. Edwin who himself saw her yesterday in Evening towards the CEO floor also got that doubt because of Jagapri words. Edwin look at Sara and asked is that so  Sara? is really someone there? he asked that in a puzzled tone. Sam and Joe who heard this all got up from their seat, Sam said you both jealousy headed junk boxes better watch your words before you talk. Then Joe said Jagapri you don't talk about seducing. we all here know who seducing who so better close your zipper mouth and get away from here they indirectly meant Charles and Jagapri relationship. Sara who already an emotionally too weak person. she can't hold it up anymore so without eating her lunch she ran out of the cafeteria.  Sam and joe asked them are you three happy now go and celebrate your success. Edwin said I didn't mean it Sam. He tries to clarify but Sam not ready to listen to him. Sam and Joe takeaway there lunch and went to Sara. Edwin also follows them. Elena said Jagapri, she not enough with one man see how many of them running behind her. we also have to find who she seducing in the CEO team they evilly smiled. Sam and Joe tried to make her eat lunch but she is not at all ready. Edwin tries to convince her with sorry but she not ready to listen to him. Sara asked Sam to take away Edwin from her cabin because she never forgives a person who doubts her character. When Sam tried to push Edwin out Charles came there. He asked what is going on here Sam explained to him shortly what happened in the cafeteria. Charles told Edwin to leave and went to Sara's cabin and asked Sara to don't worry about anything I will make Jagapri and Elena to sorry you don't worry he said. Sara stood up and hide her tears and said it's ok Charles no problem. Charles immediately called Jagapri to her phone and shouted and told her to ask sorry to Sara. Jagapri who heard this became mad but Elena convinced her with some evil plan then they both bought some hot chocolate and went towards there department. When they entered already Sam joe and Charles are there beside Sara. Jagapri directly went to Sara and said I'm sorry Sara because of us you didn't have your lunch. we are really sorry please take this drink for us. She handed her hot chocolate. Sara can't believe jagapri sudden good act. But thought of don't create furtherly any big scene and disturb Charles. she about to get that drink from jagapri hand but she purposely dropped that on Sara. Sara's dress was short so almost her full leg below her tighs burnt of hot chocolate and turned red Sara screamed in pain. Sam and Joe who stand next to her about to push Jagapri but she already started there drama to cry and sorry Sara. However other than Charles non of them believe Jagapri drama.  Sam and Joe took Sara immediately to there office dispensary. Then they gave her first aid because of Sara too much pain and crying Nurse gave her one pain reliever injection. Finally, Sara stopped crying and went to sleep after that injection. The nurse cleaned her burnt leg and thought of changing her dress and causing more pain she put her in bed with the same dress. Sam joe who saw Sara's burnt red legs felt very bad for her and bitter themselves to not protect her properly from those witches. Jagapri and Elena happily said, Saraaa.. hahaha...for next one month that slut can't wear any short dresses, They smiled evilly without knowing upcoming Strom towards them.
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