Sara Felt New

1481 Words
Sara and Arav while finished there walk Arav got a call from Anna regarding work so he told Sara to come on to let's go to work. Sara still has 30 more minutes of his lunch break time. she thought of avoiding his colleague's unwanted approach. She said I have still some more time so you carry on with your work Arav. I will go later. Arav smiled and said ok then I also accompany you. Sara said come on Arav then your work gets delay you go first. Arav said then you also come with me without any other option she told him the real reason. Arav I don't like to be an again hot topic of your company internal forum that's why I prefer to be here till lunch break over. Arav super happy about her reply because she avoiding other men's gaze this made him satisfied. He laughed and said than stay in my office till lunchtime over. she smiled and said helplessly ok I will come. She went washroom and got a refresh and done some touchup and came out and they both went to there office room. Anna and peter who already finished there lunch and waiting for there Boss. Arav went to his office room with Sara and sat in his office room sofa with Sara. Anna asked his approval on some documents which are urgent then Arav look at those documents. While Arav looks at his documents seriously, Sara silently turned her look into to big french window which is next to the sofa. From this view full Newyork city looking so beautiful today climate also too good just like about to rain. Arav approved those documents and returned to Anna and told her to leave. Then shlolookst Sara. She still looking threw the French window Arav saw her innocent face and permanent sadness which always staying in her deep heart. Arav still doesn't know how to make her open up about her sadness and things that are deep in her heart. He thought of himself it will take some time. After all they both together from the last two days only. Then he went close to her and whispered in her ear "Sara". She suddenly came back to sense and look at him and smiled. Aww, your smile he kissed on her lips deeply. she blushed and looked down. Arav pulled her into his embrace and said in hoarse voice did you like it? Sara said yes it's nice to view from here. he said in teasing voice I asking about my kiss, she smiled and dig her face into his arms. Anna knock-on to the door and came in and said Boss Mam getting late to her work. Sara pulled herself out from Arav embrace and said with a smile ok bye I'm leaving Arav. While she got up and about to leave Arav held her wrist and got up from his seat and tidy up her dress and hair and said, ok bye honey. Anna who seeing all this became a surprise. she herself thought this is our Boss version 2.0 it seems. Is he really can be this romantic towards women. Sara came to Anna and said I told you to don't call me Mam calls me Sara she smiled towards Anna and left. Anna followed Sara and asked can I accompany you? Sara said no problem I can go by myself you carry on with your work. Then she gave gentle smile to Anna and peter who standing next to her and left. Peter said Mam really looking so humble and down to earth person. Anna nodded yes and agreed with him. Sara went to the third floor and settled on his place and started to work. Arav also has a tight schedule for full noon when he about to enter the conference room for meeting peter stopped him and points lipstick mark on his suit. He looks at that and smiled and asked Anna how to remove this now I don't have time to change. Then Anna's superfast came up with an idea. she gave him makeup removal tissue and helped him to wipe out lipstick Mark. Then Arav Carried on with his meeting it became almost six in the evening he still busy in his work. Sara's office time over so she cleans up her table and files when she about to leave. Sam and Joe approached her, hello Sara its outside looks like about to rain shall we drop you home in our car. She smiled and said thank you but I going to wait for Anna and gonna leave with her. Sam said ohh you gonna wait for Anna then it became middle of the night to reach your place. They both laughed because always Anna used to leave the office late at night only because of her heavy work. Sara doesn't know how to avoid them then she said ok I inform Anna and then leave. you guys carry on. Sam and Joe told her, just inform her on the phone that's enough however today Tuesday she might be busy with the marketing team meeting. She called Anna but she didn't pick up then she try to reach Arav but she doesn't have his number. Then without any other choice, he left with Sam and Joe. Sam and Joe became very happy they took her to there car. They both are too gentle with Sara they didn't cross their friend zone. Then they asked Sara to have some coffee with them before leave Sara said ok then they took her to Starbucks. While having coffee in Starbucks they cracked so many jokes which let Sara burst in laugh. Sam and Joe took a selfie together with Sara holding coffee mugs with big laughter on Sara's face also they don't forget to post in the internal forum. Sara asked them to not post in the forum but Sam said no Sara you are the best design of our designing team. we need to show off in front of other departments which made Sara again laugh. Then joe said did you saw today our team other women are looked like ginger eaten monkeys because of your presence. Sara said to Joe no you don't have to talk like that about other women. Then he nodded yes and said you are really awesome Sara. Sara had some happy time with them after so many days today she laugh loudly because of Sam and Joe jokes. She felt herself her life is now so new and fresh. Arav who just finished his meeting and Anna who standing beside him busy handling documents submitted by the marketing team totally forget about Sara. Arav suddenly looks at to time and saw its already seven in the evening he looks at too busy Anna and asked what about Sara already her office time over. Anna came back to her sense and said sorry boss I totally forget about Mam. Arav said don't repeat this in the future and called peter to check with Sara. Peter went to the third floor and returned sir Mam is not there then Arav told Peter to check on penthouse but peter checked then returned and said no Boss Mam not in penthouse too. Then Anna who standing next to him immediately pulled out her phone and saw Sara missed call and message which informs she can't avoid Sam and joe so she left with them will return asap kindly inform Arav. Then she conveyed that message to Arav which made Arav became mad and he looked at Anna coldly. she immediately replied in future I take care of this never repeat again Boss she said that almost shivered in fear. Arav angrily took out his mobile to call Sara then only he got it, she doesn't have his number he too doesn't have Sarah's number then he got Sara number from Anna and called her. Sara who still in the coffee shop saw her phone excuse me I have to pick this call she gently smiled and walk a little far from Sam and joe and picked his call. Arav who sneered on Anna completely talked in a soft tone, hello Sara where are you? I come and pick you up I already finished my work. Sara said I'm in Starbucks just next to our office don't worry before he replies she hanged up because of Sam and Joe who coming towards her. Sam and Joe said ok Sara come on let's go we will drop you home and leave. Sara said it's ok I just received a call from Anna she already finished the work she is on the way to pick me up you both carry on. Sam and joe ok with her answer and said ok we will give you company till Anna comes she doesn't know how to send these two so she said it's ok you both go I will take care also I have some other work before that. Finally, somehow she sent them both and sat down with a sigh of relief on the stone bench which is outside of Starbucks.
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