19. Sara's Bad Day

1083 Words

Sara and Arva when reached Penthouse Aunt July already kept their lunch ready. Sara and Arav sit and had their lunch Arav didn't speak anything to Sara. As well Sara also so focused on her lunch. When they finished their lunch Arav got some call he went out to pick that. Sara went into their room and got a refresh and touched up her makeup. When she about to turn from the cloakroom Arav pressed her against the wall. He playfully smiled and went close to her lips. Sara can feel his hot breath she smiled and said we have to go back to the office Mr.CEO. Arav chuckled and said still we have time honey his hand already playing in her waist. Sara opened her eyes wide and said, Arav can you stop here please, I'm in my periods she chuckled and pushed him away. Arav pulled Sara close to him

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