Chapter 15 - Ben (Lucy)

2049 Words

Chapter 15 – Ben (Lucy) Ben’s POV I let out a yawn as I pour my morning coffee. Taking a sip, I let the scalding liquid ignite my senses, waking me from the sleep-fog. Last night I was restless. Once more I was haunted by visions of the past. I should be thankful I have had a reprieve the past few nights, but as soon as I am not working, or busy with the guys, the past jumps up and bites me on the ass once more. I let out a deep breath as I push two slices of bread into the toaster and wait for them to pop back up. I need to do something. I was just going to wait for Josie to arrive to pick up her car, then head to the mothers, but I am needing a distraction this morning, and the best one I know is exercise. I know Josie will be swimming this morning. It is her go-to for her fitness

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