Chapter 63 – Kelvin (Joanne)

2141 Words

Chapter 63 – Kelvin (Joanne) Kelvin’s Point of View. I stand in just my boxers, paying extra attention to ironing my uniform. I don’t know why I feel so nervous about having a lunch with my new assistant. Well, I do know why, but still, I need to be professional. I was so happy last night when she text that comment about having a drink first. That is the Joanne I like, the one who says wildly inappropriate things with lots of inuendo, not the one who cannot speak two words to me. Before I could even think I sent the message saying I would take her to lunch today. To be honest, I will be glad of the company. Irrespective of the fact, that woman is taking up a lot of my personal thoughts when I am having ‘alone’ time. I wanted to grab a decent lunch anyway, because if memory serves me

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