Chapter 52 – Davey (Kathline)

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Chapter 52 – Davey (Kathline) Davey’s Point of View. I let out a groan, my day had been going well. I had stayed with Kathline last night, not in her bed, that spot was reserved for her brave little man. He was suffering from nightmares after the fire, poor thing. But I did sleep in the spare room, so I could be on hand to help with Andy this morning, and let Kathline have a well-deserved lie in. She is exhausted, almost asleep on her feet, and I wish I could do more. I had carried him downstairs, and made him some Nutella on toast, feeling like I was the luckiest guy in the world to be given this chance, when my phone rang. Liv was in a state, as it seemed, the wanker she was with, had not only re-mortgaged the house, and got a load of legal debt, but also had turned to unscrupulous

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