Chapter 24 – Ben (Lucy)

2561 Words

Chapter 24 – Ben (Lucy) Ben’s Point Of View. Finally, it is Friday, the last night shift. To say this week has been tough would be an understatement. It is always difficult to get used to the shift changes. The first batch of nightshift has your body and mind confused as hell most of the time, but add to that the excitement about a date with an amazing girl you are obsessed with, then to find out the same girl is currently living each day in what must feel like a battle zone and there is not a lot you can do about it, makes the week a hell of a lot longer. I stretched out my back as I lay looking at the clock. I have a couple of hours before I need to set off for work, so I do what has become my new daily ritual this week. I pick up my phone and called Lucy. “Hey you,” she answers.

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