Chapter 4

1481 Words

Chapter 4He blew out a whistling breath through pursed lips as he sat down on the bed and bent to take his boots off. Luke had laced them up properly and he couldn’t unpick the knot one-handed. He looked up and Luke was watching him. He’d have said he looked uncertain, if it wasn’t Luke. Luke was never uncertain. About anything. ‘Specially about Alex. “Can you help?” Alex said, trying to keep the embarrassment out of his voice. “I can’t manage the knot.” Luke nodded. “All right.” He took off his beaten-up leather jacket and slung it over the armchair in the corner of the bedroom and knelt again at Alex’s feet, undoing the tight knots and laces he’d done in the hospital. “Sorry,” he said quietly. “I didn’t think when I did them up. I’ve made a right mess of them.” His head was bent as

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