2014 Words

“No, he did not! And I do wish he had! Andrew, I cannot say any more than this – in our own hearts, we were betrothed. I agreed to marry your brother only because I had to.” Her voice faded away. “Forgive me for pressing the matter,” said Andrew, pacing around the room, “you say that my brother helped your family, but in what way? Your father is a rich and powerful man and I cannot see what could have come to pass for so terrible a bargain to be struck. It is typical of my brother to demand blood for favours rendered.” “You must swear not to tell a soul,” she implored him clasping her hands together beseechingly. “You have trusted me so far, you may tell me your secret and I will not breathe a word of it to anyone.” “Papa had some ill-advised dealings with a Russian Count and he was a

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