2021 Words

CHAPTER THREEFor the next week Lilliana lived in dread that Lord Farringdon would eventually make an appearance. Then one day, when she was in the garden in spite of the cold morning air, Holmes came rushing over with his salver. Upon it was a calling card and before Lilliana even took it, she knew whose it was. “Please tell his Lordship I am not at home, Holmes,” she said, placing the card back on the salver. “At once, miss,” he answered, glad to be retreating back into the warmth of the house. Although she was shivering, Lilliana stayed in the garden until the time she felt that Lord Farringdon would have taken his leave. She took one more turn around the flowerbeds and then hurried back inside. She took off her muddy boots and shook her coat. Holmes appeared by her side and took i

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