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JESSICA'S POV The more I tried to catch my breath the more they scattered around my lungs like a thousand jagged pieces of broken porcelain. My destiny was rather unfortunate. Perhaps Alpha Alexander didn't act like I was his mate. Perhaps my wolf was wrong about what she perceived. Mates always shared an unbreakable bond, one that lasts a lifetime. Alpha Alexander's wolf was strong so I wondered why he didn't acknowledge me. A part of me thinks he felt the bond between us. The way he stared at me a little bit longer or was it irritation? Was I reading more meaning into things that don't matter? I felt a sharp pain course through my head. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear Claire walk into the kitchen. She twisted my hair harder and spun me around, "What the hell were you trying to do?" My lips thinned. My life has been a living hell since my stepmother and her children came into my life. My father diverted his love and attention to them, neglecting me and treating me like I wasn't worth anything. "Speak now or else you'll be thrown into the store and left without food for days," she growled under her breath. I groaned as the pain increased. However, this one was different. I wasn't scared, I didn't try to recoil or shudder in fear like I used to. I wanted to fight, my inner wolf growled with anger, threatening to burst out and pounce on her for everything I'd suffered. Somehow, I was able to put my inner wolf in check– we had better things to attend to. I shut my eyes as I bit hard on my lower lips and endured the pain. "Look at me," she ordered. Claire punched me hard in my stomach, "I said look at me this minute," I felt my blood burning, my canines were elongating. My claws were about to come on the surface. s**t! My wolf was aggressive, the direct opposite of who I was. I kept my eyes shut for extra minutes to shut my wolf out before I opened my eyes, allowing my weak human nature to take over. "Alexander would never be yours. You're ugly and pfft…" she scoffed as her voice trailed off, "You don't even have a wolf to begin with. I'm sure the moon goddess loathes you more than I do," she laughed sarcastically. Contrary to my thoughts, Claire wasn't done with me. She dragged me forcefully to the living room, "I don't want to ever see you anywhere close to Alexander. Don't even look at him with those cringy eyes of yours, do you understand?" She thundered. I nodded frantically as I let the tears slip down my cheeks. "I understand," "Good!" I made to stand up but she kicked me back with her legs, "Kneel down and don't you dare get up unless I ask you to," she growled, "Tomorrow is the mate ball and you already know who'd be your next Luna," Alpha Alexander had been one of those unlucky ones that couldn't find their mate when they came of age and now that he needed a Luna to rule the pack with him, he had caved in and decided to settle for a chosen mate. Of course, Claire was at the top of his list. My mind raced with so many thoughts. He couldn't have known that I was his destined mate. No werewolf would settle for a chosen mate when they find their destined mate. Gosh! I needed to see him as soon as possible. To look into those eyes and tell him I was here finally. I have my wolf and I was ready to be his forever. Claire's voice cut through the voice in my head, "Jessica, you would bow down to me everyday when I'm finally proclaimed Luna. You'll do my bidding and trust me. Oh trust me to make life worse than hell for you," she spat, "Now get lost!" She thundered, I scampered to my feet and went into the kitchen to make dinner while I tried to figure out a way to see Alpha Alexander. *** The evening of the next day finally arrived. The moment my destiny would be complete and I'll be with the one the moon goddess had chosen for me. Everyone else had gone saddling me with different responsibilities while they went ahead to the festival before me. I quickly finished up and rummaged through the few clothes I had, searching for a fairly decent one. I settled for an old blue dress. It had some holes in it because it was old and worn out but it'll do. I slipped into it and made my way to the pavilion that was filled to the brim. I managed to find a seat where my father wouldn't notice me. Alpha Alexander was seated at the front dressed in a royal regalia, sitting across from him was Claire, giggling and full of excitement. My heart burned in my chest, my wolf was wincing and growling in pain, she was almost at the surface and her energy was too high I could barely hold back. I stood up abruptly and ran to the front. The whole pavilion was thrown into dismay, more than a hundred pairs of eyes glared daggers at me. "Have you suddenly lost your senses huh?" My father questioned, his tone laced in disgust. Alpha Alexander stood and inched closer to me. "What's this about?" My eyes shimmered with love, "Alpha Alexander we're mates," I said, my voice filled with so much hope. He didn't seem at all surprised, he knew. He sighed deeply and fisted his hands, "You know what, I'm going to get this over with," he said. My heart skipped one, two, three beats. Why was I trembling all of a sudden? Alexander cleared his throat and continued, "I Alpha Alexander Rodriguez reject you Jessica as my mate," he stretched his hands to Claire who was visibly angry. "I choose Claire, as my chosen Luna and mate," he finished his statement. His eyes narrowed, as the pains of rejection hit him. Fuck! I wanted to go crazy but I was too weak, too much in pain to think straight. I fell to my knees and groaned in pain. "How pathetic can you get? Throwing yourself at–" Claire cursed. "He's my freaking mate!" I yelled, surprising even myself. Claire's eyes widened in surprise, "You dare raise your voice at me?" She clung unto Alexander whose eyes were fixed on me, "You can't just stand here and watch her insult your Luna in front of all these people," "Guards, lock her up in the dungeon," he gestured to one of the guards who inched closer to me. I stood up to my feet, my claws elongated, the guard charged at me and I tore his face with my claws, giving him a scar. Alexander was seething, "How dare you! You'd be ruthlessly punished for this," I faced him squarely, "I, Jessica accept your rejection!" I said before running away. I guess no one even noticed that it took a werewolf to have claws.
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