1064 Words

JESSICA'S POV I woke up with a start. My whole body wracked with so much pain. I wiped off the cold beads of sweat that prickled on my forehead. Heck! The dream was so surreal, like the previous ones I used to and like the rest, it was hazy. I couldn't make out the images I was seeing except of course my wolf with her fur shining so brilliantly A knock sounded on my door. I had to get up and answer. Goddess! My head was throbbing with a severe headache. I bit down on my lower lips as I stifled the pain that surged through my body. The knock sounded again, this time more precise and urgent than the first. I struggled out of my bed, taking ungraceful steps to the door. I clicked the door open and Emrys' face came to sight. I bowed slightly, "You're welcome your high—" I'd barely fini

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