1022 Words

ORTON'S POV. I was in the drilling ground when I heard the faint sound of footsteps. I turned around to see Rhys walking towards me. What is it again this time? I flung my sword to the ground and sat by the corner. "Good afternoon your highness," Ryhs' greeted as he gave me a curt bow. I ignored his statement, "Why are you here?" Everyone in the pack knew how much I hated training with people around. Worse still, anyone distracting me. Goddess knows, I freaking hated distraction. I love undivided attention whenever I'm busy, irrespective of what it is I'm doing at the time. "Your brother, Prince Emrys sent for you in his office," he said. The vein around the back of my neck stiffened. After our conversation about Jessica, I'd done everything to avoid him. I had so many things to

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