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ORTON'S POV The wind suddenly became stronger and my neck prickled with a mixture of anger and agitation. "What the hell are you talking about?" Kane stared right into my eyes, "It's all in your eyes Orton, deny it all you want. It's in your eyes," I don't care what the hell he was seeing, looking at my eyes. "You know when I saw how rough it was. I knew it was you. Only you had that bad temper when it comes to other clans," I hated to admit it but he was right. "I killed him because he trespassed," I gritted, finally getting my edge back, "You know how much I don't tolerate trespassers," I said in my defense. I wasn't lying and everyone knew that fact. He nodded and raised his hands, "Yes, yes I know…pfft," he slapped his head in feign frustration, "How could I ever forget…except

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