1031 Words

ORTON'S POV As I led the way to the dungeon. I was seething…heck! I was fuming with so much anger. Kane had crossed the line he definitely had. Goddess! The foul smell of the dungeon hit my nose as soon as we reached the gate. The guards held the door open and gave me a curt nod. They were equally perplexed and if they could have their way, I bet they'll not do this in the first place. "Your highness," one of the guards bowed as they held open the door leading to a dark room. There was a makeshift bed and a desk at the corner of the rat hole that was regarded as a cell. "Quit with the formalities already," Kane's voice sounded from behind, "He's no different from the other prisoners," I growled, "What the hell are you doing here?" The corner of his lips tipped up, "Let's just say I

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