1129 Words

EMRYS POV “First of, I'm not running away,” I said, as I pushed the door leading to my private study open, “Secondly, I see no reason why I should go for a meeting Kane decided to summon in the middle of the night,” Orton let out a weird laughter and sat on the leather chair across the table. “A meeting where all the pack elders will be present isn't a normal meeting. You should know this by now,” “I don't—” I made to speak when Orton raised his index finger, stopping me mid sentence. “Before you go on and on about how you don't fear Kane and how you're going to pull his head out, I need to tell you that all of us stand equal rights to that throne, it's no news to you,” I groaned in frustration as I sat at the edge of the table. All that was in my head was how to get Jessica out of Ka

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