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Chapter Four: The all-Nighter "Look! Margie is here!" Tyler cried just when they saw me coming in the door. They were all in the living room, I think they were all watching a movie. They were so happy to meet me. "Abbie says you had this cool position as a researcher! Let's make a celebration, The rooftop is calling our names!" Caitlyn was still excited, I saw Kris in the corner who had been staring into my sad eyes. He moves his head asking me what's wrong, I take a deep breath before I spoke to them. "Guys, there's nothing to celebrate. Professor Vasquez is a monster! He even gave me one of his stupid assignments. I have to start working because he wanted it by tomorrow" I turned away from them and went to the fridge to get some water but Tyler invited me instead to sat me down and got some juice in the refrigerator in my behalf. I sat in front of the dining table and they followed me all around the kitchen. They all settled themselves in front of me. "We can help you! What kind of assignment is that?" Tyler asked me while taping my back. Above all, he is my great comforter. "He is really crazy! He wanted me to digitalized his old book and had it type-written by tomorrow. That's too impossible! Even staying out the whole night and type 30 pages per hour I cannot make it by tomorrow! That was hundreds of pages or hundreds of thousands of words!" I held my chin with both hands because I was feeling that my brain weigh too much and wonder how could I handle it, "that's why we're here for you. We are here to support you!" That was from Abbie. I am ashamed of them, they are so deeply moved by me. And I don't have any idea how to give back all the gratitude. "Guys, This is way too embarrassing. You've been a lot of help since the beginning of this drama," I refused to their offer and sympathy. Suddenly Kris came near me and slowly messed up my hair. I didn't expect that he will do that in front of our friends, So here are they screaming romantically teasing us while showing an obvious shudder. "We are here to help you because we cannot just let you go" they were all yelling in a farcical taunt at Kris' line so I just smiled. "Alright then! I will be accepting your help so let's do it!" I shouted determinedly. I smiled as I observed my suitemates carry their laptop. They find a place where they can type comfortably. Good thing that the suite that we had has a photocopier and printer since the family of Caitlyn has a publishing business she asked her dad if she can request a machine and put it in her suite. Caitlyn's Dad also agreed that they are free of charge in printing and photocopy. We are only buying the bond paper. "Okay guys, how many pages you can do?" I asked them after I had copied the book. They were all preparing too because I was busy in charge of photocopying the book. Caitlyn helped me out with the photocopying, Kris and Lucas prepared the laptops, while Tyler and Abbie chose to brew coffee because it seemed like we were getting stuck to this so they decided to make coffee. "I can do 30!" shouted Kris. We all listened. I really admire Kris, not only is he good-looking but he is also hard-working. It adds a lot of points to me. "I can do 30 too!" shouted Lucas. It's as if we're just talking about bidding or something up to 30? "Next bidding! Is there any increase?" I'm smiling. Tyler replied, "Okay I'll try my best 35!" Kris answered back, "Actually I can do 40 pages!" Kris piqued my interest. They all turned-against Kris and discern the twinkle in his eyes and now they all have the reason to constantly pester us. "Are you sure Kris? That's too much!" I'm smiling. I feel like my heart flutters from the inside. "Let's just see what I can do! But That's the range!" He answered. “Okay, I think someone won now!” That was Caitlyn's turn and we all laughed. "Okay, Guys! Let's get started!" Lucas shouted from behind as Caitlyn suddenly pulled me to the side. "I just want to clarify something!" she asked. "What?" I asked her wondering with her mucked-up face. She had a smile as her eyebrows raised. We sat side by side at the dining table while the others in the living room started typing. "What's the score between you and Kris?" Abbie looked at us not too far from us Caitlyn and Tyler probably heard our conversation. "They were just friends! That's the answer she always gave me!" Abbie replied more. "You can't deny that it's obvious that Kris likes you! Just admit that something is blooming between the two of you!" that is from Tyler, Caitlyn, Abbie and I stared at Tyler. ".. why am I denying that I don't like him?" I asked Tyler laughing, He gazed on the three of us wondering. The two girls laugh with me in between Tyler's reaction while Tyler seemed out of place now. "Ahh, that's it? So the both of you know that and I'm the only i***t here who doesn't know anything about it!? Where's the justice? We are in the same roof but look who looks ignorant here?" It was like Tyler wants a quarrel with us. Did we just make him a fool by that?  "Ohh dear, That's not my intention, You are just so busy and we haven't talked about these things to you, besides I can't deny that I liked Kris so much but were just giving each other more time. I know it's not going to be easy for both of us! I don't like to rush things." "Very good answer baby girl!" Tyler replied that he seemed to recover his rancor immediately. "I thought all- this time you're just numb!" We laughed and continued typing. [ After 3 hours ] "time check everyone! its 11:25 pm, how many pages are done?" I screamed from the kitchen as my second cup of coffee was being tossed. "35!" shouted Kris! "Wow! You just finished Kris in just 3 hours!" Abbie cried. "Inspired !" Lucas answered next to Kris. Kris scolded him by giving him an elbow jerk on his rib. "By the way, I have 20 with me!" Lucas shouted, too. "So we have 45 pages already. I have finished 37 pages too! So we now have 92 pages!" I answered them. "Wow! Margie's more inspired!" Tyler shouted. "I have 23 pages with me so its 115 pages." "Caitlyn, how many pages have you finished?" I asked Caitlyn. "done with 22 pages dear!" "Wow so everyone is doing well! Great Job! We have 137 pages already! What about you Abbie?" I asked Abbie. "Ahh... I've finished 12 pages!" Tyler turned to her. "Just 12?" Tyler was not convinced. "Yeah, I'm sorry! I spent the whole time watching youtube! Abbie replied. I'm a little disappointed and feel so sad about the answers. We just can't finish it if that will be the average finished pages so I need to double my effort. They are trying to help me out so I should do even more. I need to be positive that I can finish it. "Okay, that's great guys! Let's double-time this time since its running late!"I left the dining table and preferred to sit outside the house. I sat on the veranda. [After 2 hours 1:25 am] I didn't notice that Kris was behind me. When I was about to take my glass and lift it in unsound mind for a drink I was surprised to see Kris from my back, stopping me from drinking the cup. I stared at him. Later I realized that my glasses were empty. He smiled at the coffee maker and handed me my glasses. I smiled at his act of thoughtfulness. " The glass is empty," he said softly and cupped my empty cup of coffee. "Thanks..'' I answered him in awe. "You can take a rest first. You have finished so many pages already" He counted my output. "You already print out another 42 pages in just 2 hours! that's so incredible!" "I need to. I don't want to stop going to school, and I don't want to leave. I want to stay here with you!" I was shocked when Kris held my hand and I think I was melting in his smile and gaze. "thank you, Kris!" I also held her hand. Everything with him turns out to be better! He is the perfect moment for me. I really couldn't help but fall for him. Even though we were together for a few days I felt like I had known him for a long time. I can't explain that feeling as though I knew he couldn't hurt me, Even though we only knew each other for a few days, I trusted him with all my heart. It feels like our souls have met in the past! That's what folks say, they said that when you are close to the person you just met, you were connected before, the soul has connected for a very long time already. With Kris, I am not afraid that he will not do what he says to me even though he didn't promise a thing. He is the right time and the right moment for me. I wish I am not wrong because I could see nothing wrong in his eyes, In his eyes, I can see that he is honest and everything he showed to me is true. In his eyes, I felt like he is falling for me. But I was just holding myself back because I don't want to get hurt. I am not yet ready to fall in love. I didn't notice the time, We were doing our assignment side by side. "Margie! Lucas, Caitlyn and I will just go out. We're going to buy some coffee in the cafeteria" Tyler said. "Where's Abbie?" Kris asked. "She already sleeps on it. I mean she left us with the pages, we need to buy coffee because the coffee mixer just blew up! ait surrendered to us, we'll be right back." "Does it need the three of you to go out?" I asked as if awkward because Kris and I were left alone. "I actually told Lucas that he should go with Caitlyn. I don't want Caitlyn to walk by herself at the store alone while I wait for them at the cafeteria to get the coffee," Tyler replied. "All right. Go back right away and be careful. It's night time" I replied. They nodded and walked out the door. We look at them while they are going out of the fence when suddenly Caitlyn just threw a malicious stare. "What's that look about?" Kris asked me. "I don't know! Maybe just one of her looks!" I smile as well as he does. While typing, Kris suddenly asked. "Margie, Do you have someone special?" I turned back at him. I was curious about what kind of special he wanted to know so I asked him back. "What do you mean someone special? Because if just special yes would be the answer, but if you asked me if anyone makes me happy except for friends and family? is it like that? The answer would be yes too." Kris seems to be speechless. He thinks maybe he has no hope for me. So I broke the silence. "Kris, have you ever felt like you have been together for a few days but feel like you've known each other for a few years?"  "Of course." He replied shortly. I looked him in the eye and then he answered me. "Is this the fact that you don't know her yet but you feel something about her? That even though you just came from a total heartbreak but you are not afraid to love and be hurt again because she is the person you know who can never hurt and will accept you fully? The person who you have never said is important to you yet but makes me feel like the most fortunate man you can ever love and not asking for anything in return. Even though you know that you are not yet ready to fall but here she is, still willing to wait and love me in secret." I felt like a corpse went rigid and stiff in his narrations. I can't talk and stop him. "...That person who doesn't even say it and denies in her eyes that she likes you but you feel that she's just hiding everything because she doesn't want to show you that she's hurting? The only person who can feel the pain in my heart without even telling her, but she's just hiding that pain because that person doesn't want you to know that she is hurting when she sees me in pain?” I was speechless. I feel like that it was me he is talking about. “Ah, Kris, I was just asking if you felt that way. I didn't mean to let you feel that way .. you know I don't want to ask you that much. You don't have to answer if you can't handle it.” I was supposed to be explaining to him more when he suddenly kissed me. It was like I was blushing in no time. I was so confused now. What is that kiss for? "Margie, you are what I mean to. You're that person ... right?" I was speechless. How did he found out about it? I didn't tell him about how I felt for him in our other suitemates, and especially to him. I was speechless and bowed my head in embarrassment. "I knew Margie that you like me! I like you too so much, even if I'm really scared, but when I'm with you, I fear nothing. For me, I can do everything with you and I am not afraid to fall again," "Kris, everything should be at the right time. Maybe you are just confused about your feelings. I do not want to be a cover hole because that is so unfair on my part. If you don't want to be in a hurry, I can wait. But if you have no plans to stand up for it then don't waste time showing me you love me and you will love me if you don't have any plan to catch me in the end. ” I explained to him and stood up to my seat with the laptop leaving him behind. But before I totally leave him, I turned back at him and continue to say a word to him. "Kris, you don't have to be sorry, but I just want to protect myself first because no matter how much pain you feel in your previous relationship, I won't let you do that. Love takes time Kris to heal when you 'you hurt' so much, I wanted to believe you that pain goes away whenever you are with me, but every time you said that, when I looked in your eyes, All I can see is your confusing heart, ready to accept me but your heart still swells and pained ..I'm sorry .. "  I saw Tyler come home with Caitlyn and Lucas, I don't know if they heard what I said or what Kris was talking about. They met Kris with a questioning look but I couldn't help but ignored them including Kris until the whole night was over.
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