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I was woken by the sound of my Cellphone that was ringing from the bedside table.  The brilliant sun is now shinning from my uncovered glass windows greeted me as I opened my eyes. I just slept soundly because of what happened last night. I picked up the phone and checked the time first. It's almost 9 am already. My eyes were still squinting when I stood up, I can still feel that I am still in the edged of dreaming while I walk like dead to get my phone. I take a closer look at the call register to see who the call was from and to my astonishment, my senses rose to see 5 missed calls registered from Mama. I immediately washed and dressed in the right clothes and went down the stairs. I even caught Abbie, Luke and Tyler eating. The three of them were at the table and had breakfast at the same time. This should be the first morning that we will be sharing the breakfast before the start of the classes.  But I guess this will not be a happy breakfast for me since I am feeling quite nervous with an unknown cause. I just have a bad forewarning with the missed calls I had back home. "Good morning baby girl!" Greeted Tyler in a happy face. I just raised my head slightly to respond to his greeting and went out of the house to call Mama back. "...What's with the sharp and snappy look?" Lukas asked them as I heard from behind. I was unable to meet and greet them properly because I was suddenly bothered by the numerous missed calls from Mom. Because I drank a bit last night, I didn't even wake up to Mama's call. I started to dial my Mom's number and now it starts ringing. After a few more seconds she finally answers. ".. Mum? I missed so many calls from you I'm so sorry, is there a problem? "I asked immediately. "Thank God you answered. I worry about you not answering your phone " that's from Mom. I shook my head. ".. I'm so sorry Mum, I stay up late of the night working on some-- uh- " I stutter. "Project." I recover my words.  "Did something happen? you don't miss a call that much when it's not important." I continued. ".. I have a bad news dear." I started running scared. ".. your dad just received poor performance after he has been confined and he immediately lost the job on the spot. I'm so sorry darling, We can no longer support you in your admission in Hartfeld so we need to temporarily withdraw your studies." I wanted to languish in tears now upon hearing the bad news. This is really bad! ".. This can't be Mum! You know exactly how much I need to study here? I am doing this for you! I cannot stop the education Mum please" "I understand darling. I know this will be hard for you but your tuition costs so much. We can't just sacrifice all the family savings but we will promise to work it out. Dad will still have to land for a new job." my heart was pounding slowly into pieces. This can't be happening! I just had a great night and meet my new friends! I've never been this welcome with anyone in my whole life before and I should not give up! I want to stay here. " .. I'll find a way, mom! I will not quit my studies here at Hartfeld. This is my dream" I insisted. There should be nothing to stop me from pursuing my goal. "I know darling. Always remember how much we love you, we will promise to find a way too but I'm sorry for now." I didn't even bother to say a word as a reply to what my mom had said. I know she knows that I was so disappointed. "Darling?" I heard her calling my name from the other line. "Darling, we love you so much and I hope you understand." "I love you too mama. bye!" I put down the line with so much weight in my heart. I wanted to cry. It is very disturbing!. I don't know how to start my day now.  I was a mile for a minute walking back the suite. Abbie immediately noticed my weakness in the interpretation of my actions. "....Margie? Is there anything wrong?" "Nothing.." I lied. I don't have any feeling of sharing anything. I headed towards the fridge and get some water. They turned back at me examining the 'óff my rocker' demure while getting the pitcher from the fridge and filling my glass without realizing it is already full. I shrugged when the liquid poured down my toes. "... hmmm !" Abbie cleared her throat getting my attention.  I cannot hide anymore because I can no longer deny my loss of mind. The real thing is, I just don't want to bother them with my life dramas and I also don't want to lie to them. Looking into their contemplative facial expressions made me so guilty. "Let's eat baby girl!" Tyler invited me. He got me some utensils and food but I didn't touch any. I have remained Immobile. I know they are wondering about how I behaved in front of them. Now I see Kris walking downstairs and heading towards us so I dodge myself. I started to stand. "eh, you are not going to eat? You'll get sick of it! " Tyler said angrily. “Kris Kris! You need to talk to your baby girl. I think she has some problems she keeps her mouth shut.!” That's from Abbie. Kris took my hand and sat me down on the chair I had just sat on. " I just received a call from home" "Something wrong?" Lukas asked as if it wasn't obvious so Tyler punches him on the arm. I took a deep breath. "I can't believe that after a great night yesterday the nightmare has come so fast!" I answer them. I know they are also confused and I see them waiting for me to answer their questions. "Mom called, dad lost his job and I have to stop going to school since they are not so sure they can still finance my tuition" "Oh em! We can't lose you, Margie! We have to graduate together!" That was from Tyler. "and I should not give up! I need to find a way to stay here!" I answered desperately. "You need to work to finance your studies but that is not enough for just a minimum earner. The tuition costs 100k per semester without the books and other expenses how are you able to fill that?" that was from Lucas adding my agony of figuring things out. "Or maybe you just have to withdraw some of the subjects .." that's from Abbie. " Or you can still stay through scholarship!"  We all relished Kris' suggestion.  "I am here from football scholarship, there must be some scholarship for you too" "But I am not good at football Kris! I am not even special!" That is my negative response to them. I had this saddest face ever I am so aware that they witnessed. I bow to the table, ciphering out things. I think I gotta explode in tears but unexpectedly Kris tilt my chin up and smiled. "We'll help you. We're here your suitemates to help you. You always had our back so please don't be sad" His smile is so convincing. It is so frustrating but he managed to make me positive and tell me not to give up. "Thanks, everyone but I have to make a move as soon as possible. Sadly, I don't know exactly how to start. " "I'll go with you to the student's affairs office. We'll ask about some scholarships that will best fit you so you can be a working student here at Hartfeld" Abbie also said smiling. I smiled at them, too. I can't help but think that I don't just have the kindest suitemates, but also the kindest friends who are willing to help me out especially on days like these. I couldn't stop crying. "Oh? Why are you crying baby girl? " asked Tyler while I alleviating me. I smiled again in between my tears. "I'm just so happy. This is my first time to have friends like you and it is so heart touching! Thank you very much." They smiled and the group hugged me - giving me encouragement. Including Kris. When Lucas spoke. "Okay everyone, enough! We're just hungry. Dramas are done now let's eat!" And I started eating with Kris. Abbie and I immediately left the suite with Kris but he went to the football field because he had practice. Tyler was going to be with Lucas while Caitlyn, I don't know where because when I woke up I haven't seen her around. They said she went out leaving home early having some practice I guess at the gym. Maybe she had a gymnast lesson then. "I thought you had a painting workshop, Abbie?" I asked her as I remembered telling us last night. "It's just alibi, I want you to talk to Kris. Buy the way, how's the conversation?" We were walking heading to the student affairs office as she spoke all of a sudden and asked me. "He confesses to me that he likes me.." "Really? then ?" she interrogated me in extreme eagerness. We stopped walking and I looked at her in the eyes. ".. remember what he said? He's still not over her ex. I don't want to be a cover hole of his pain that's triple the torture he will make me feel." I answered. Abbie just nodded seemed like get my point.  "and I want to give us more time". Abbie suddenly hugged me as I said the words. "You made a good choice to be just a smooth baby girl!" She smiled.
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